Diabetes is More Than Just Controlling Blood Sugar

The growth in our understanding of why people develop Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 (DMT2) is greatly out-pacing our present treatment strategy.

In the early 1900s, the primary fear about getting DMT2 was from the very elevated levels of blood sugar (glucose in the 400-700 mg/dl range) that would trigger a deadly condition called diabetic ketoacidosis.Ā  Diabetic ketoacidosis differs from mild ketoacidosis, which occurs from restricting carbohydrates in the diet.

In 1921 insulin was discovered, and the fatal complication of diabetic ketoacidosis was now, in many cases, avoided. Now instead of dying from a diabetic coma, patients were living longer, and their more common cause of death from DMT2 was the consequence of chronically elevated blood sugar within the bloodstream.Ā 

Atherosclerosis in DMT2 occurs when the blood sugar (glucose greatly than 137 or a HgbA1c level greater than 6.4%) is not enough to trigger the deadly ketoacidosis. Still, it is enough to act as a toxic irritant to the surface of the blood vessels.Ā  The chronic toxic nature of this concentration in diabetes of blood sugar damages the inner lining of the blood vessels and leads to blindness, kidney failure, amputations, and premature death.

In the more modern era, the development of additional blood sugar-lowering medications has given diabetics the ability to maintain their blood sugar HgbA1C levels at less than 6.4%. Keeping oneā€™s blood sugar in this range greatly reduces the toxic complications of blindness, numbness in the feet, kidney failure, and amputations and greatly increases survival.

Diabetes and Cytokines

Today our understanding of DMT2 has grown even further.Ā  There is overwhelming evidence that DMT2 is fueled by a chronic elevation of inflammation chemicals released by white blood cells.Ā  Known as pro-inflammatory cytokines, these chemicals circulate throughout the bloodstream and can trigger a wide array of genetic disorders, including DMT2.

These proinflammatory cytokines not only turn on the gene(s) that trigger DMT2, but they also influence the level of abnormal blood sugar elevation.Ā  The higher the levels of inflammatory cytokines in someone with a gene for DMT2, the higher their blood sugar level.Ā  And conversely, the lower the cytokine levels, the lower their blood sugar.

These inflammatory cytokines also activate other genes leading to the development of cancer, hypertension, andĀ  Alzheimerā€™s dementia. It can cause direct damage to the tissues throughout the body, which leads to sensory neuropathy (numbness in the feet), osteoarthritis, heart disease, osteoporosis, and, most dangerously, damage to the autonomic nervous system.Ā 

Is managing blood sugar enough to control diabetes?

Unfortunately, the present goal of diabetes management of reducing blood sugars without also focusing on the elevated cytokine levels has led to continued high rates of sudden death, cancer, and Alzheimerā€™s in patients whose blood sugar levels are ā€œunder control.ā€

Insulin, metformin, and the ever-growing number of prescription medications that lower blood sugar does little to nothing to lower inflammation.Ā  The toxic effects of inflammatory cytokines continue to damage the body and activate other dangerous genes continues unabated.

The persistent elevation of inflammation is why patients with controlled diabetes have a much higher incidence of cancer, strokes, and heart attacks than people without a diagnosis of DMT2.

Furthermore, the single most common cause of death in individuals with DMT2 is due to direct inflammatory damage of the autonomic nervous system, a condition known as diabetic autonomic neuropathy or cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN).Ā 

Cardiac autonomic neuropathy is a profoundly weakened state of the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system and results in the instability of heart rate control.Ā  Diabetics have other autonomic issues from parasympathetic dysfunction, such as bloating, heartburn, constipation, widely fluctuating blood pressure, and gastroparesis.

In fact, the autonomic nervous system of a diabetic prematurely ages because of inflammation and often has the functional capacity of someone approximately 20 years older than a person the same age without diabetes.Ā  The autonomic function is critical to maintaining good health and a prolonged lifespan because a healthy autonomic nervous system is required for your brain to properly control your heart.

Patients die from sudden cardiac death due to cardiac autonomic neuropathy because their heart rates will suddenly jump to 300 beats per minute, so they cannot maintain any blood pressure at this point. Then they die of cardiovascular system collapse.Ā  In 2016, the SAVOR-TIMI 53 Trial determined that approximately 1/3 of deaths in persons with DMT2 were caused by sudden cardiac death.

There are no symptoms or warning signs as cardiac autonomic neuropathy silently develops.Ā  It can be easily detected with a physicianā€™s common electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) through a measurement known as heart rate variability (HRV).Ā  If it is detected, death can easily be prevented by reversing the underlying inflammation or blocking the arrhythmia with medication. Still, unfortunately, most modern ECG machines do not provide physicians with that simple information.

How the Nemechek ProtocolĀ® Can Help

The Nemechek ProtocolĀ® was developed with this condition in mind, and CAN be the reason why I became interested in testing and treating the autonomic nervous system.Ā  Cardiac autonomic neuropathy can easily be detected by assessing the autonomic nervous system with a simple 17-minute test known as spectral analysis.Ā 

Once detected, my patients are started on The Nemechek ProtocolĀ®, and their cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN) is often reversed in 3 to 5 months.Ā  During that time, patients are temporarily placed on a medication that greatly reduces the risk of sudden cardiac death from occurring while the protocol allows the autonomic nervous system to recover.

Over the last few decades, we have witnessed DMT2 occurring in younger and younger individuals.Ā  This is because the abnormal elevation of chronic inflammatory cytokines begins at younger and younger ages as well.

If you have diabetes, there are several things you can do to prevent yourself from dying from CAN and sudden cardiac death.

First, ask your physician to refer you to a cardiologist capable of determining whether cardiac autonomic neuropathy exists.Ā  Second, study and learn everything you can about chronic metabolic inflammation and how it affects your health. And finally, start developing a program to lower your inflammatory cytokines.Ā 

The Nemechek ProtocolĀ® is a great place to start.Ā  Supplementing your diet with omega 3ā€™s (fish oil), omega 9ā€™s (extra virgin olive oil) and reducing your intake of calories, carbohydrates, and advanced glycation end products (AGEā€™s are abnormal molecules formed when food is cooked quickly and at high temperatures) all have an additive effect on lower inflammation and helping your autonomic nervous system to recover.

With time you will be able to detect the reduction of inflammation in your blood work.Ā  Look for reductions in your fasting blood sugar, HgbA1c level, and triglycerides.Ā  Reductions in those numbers are all indications that your inflammation is declining.Ā  Additional tests, such as the highly sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), will also decline once your inflammation is lowered.

The Nemechek ProtocolĀ® also encompasses the use of transcutaneous Vagus nerve stimulation to get substantial recovery of autonomic function.Ā  This is a type of electric neuromodulation to the Vagus nerve, completely controlling inflammation throughout the body.

Diabetes management is no longer just about taking pills to keep blood sugar levels low because diabetes is never under control in a high inflammation environment.Ā  Diabetes management must include a focus on inflammation control by the combined benefit of calorie reduction, carbohydrate reduction, AGE reduction, and improvement of autonomic nervous system health to prevent death from sudden cardiac death.Ā 

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Picture of Patrick Nemechek, D.O.

Patrick Nemechek, D.O.

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Saima Abbasi
Saima Abbasi
August 13, 2019 11:17 pm

Dr Nemecheck my 4.3 son is on the protocol almost 1 year. I noticed gains in his gross motor skills, and language too. But he is not conversational at all, he can not ride a bike, can not jump. My main concern is pinching, he recently started pinching alot…what can be a reason, what should i do. He is is on half teaspoon inulin, 1 ml nordic natural omega, and olive oil? need your help

Saima Abbasi
Saima Abbasi
August 16, 2019 1:40 am

Thank you so much for a reply…I will increase fish oil. I really want to help my son he is 4 years. Here in Canada, they can label kids as Autistic with no hope. you are the only one who gives hope to many parents like me. For VNS I have to book an appointment?

Gemma MacFarlane
Gemma MacFarlane
June 30, 2019 6:05 am

This may seem an unusual question but do you feel the Protocol could help with a brain tumour? Iā€™m not looking for a cure just improved quality of life. Would the EVOO help with inflammation in the brain?
I totally understand if you cannot answer.

Gemma MacFarlane
Gemma MacFarlane
July 1, 2019 3:17 am

He is already on low carb as he also has diabetes. The cancer started in his kidneys and he had one removed. Since then has spread but recently to the brain and he is losing motor strength due to inflammation.
The doctor is happy that he is currently stable but I wanted to see if the polyphenols in the EVOO would help.

Susan mcgrath
Susan mcgrath
June 28, 2019 10:48 am

My son has type 1 diabetes, emotional dysregulation and SPD . Is it safe to try your protocol with type 1 diabetes? Thanks so much

Mohamed Nawshad
Mohamed Nawshad
June 8, 2019 9:58 am

Dear Dr. Nemechek,
We are following NP for last 7 months for 7Y daughter, now my wife has conserved for second baby, she was followed pre-pregnancy protocol as you guid in the video (Refaximin +high DHA+olive oil for last six months).

As we need to switch fish oil in to high EPA, i found NN brand which has 850mg EPA /200mg DHA in two capsules. is this ratio ok during pregnancy? (we are thinking of taking 5 softgels)

Please need your advice whare i feel it is too low DHA,


June 1, 2019 11:41 am

Hi Dr. N I have 2 questions: 1. My asd 8 y.o. twins have been on full NP for a year since May 2018. The younger twin developed whitish almost skin colored pimples on his face February 2019. Could this be a side effect of NP? 2. I lowered the dose of the boys’ inulin from 1/2 tsp to 3/8 tsp inulin hoping the older twin would stop stealing and being naughty and the younger twin would reduce is hyperactivity. It’s been 2 weeks. Should we wait another two weeks, because their activity level hasn’t changed. Thank you for such… Read more »

May 22, 2019 9:45 am

Hello. I’ve been doing the NP for my twin 8 y.o. asd sons for a year now and it has been successful. I’m thinking about trying it with my dad who’s 89 y.o. he’s a very bright man and very hardworking. Still drives and still does things on his own, but within the past year his memory has gotten worse, and he sometimes is in denial that his memory is worsening. I don’t want to start inulin or rifaximin (sp?) On him. Can I start nordic naturals dha or now dha on him and cooc approved evoo, and if so… Read more »

Zaira Vicioso
Zaira Vicioso
May 8, 2019 7:24 pm

This is our success journey. I just want to know what I can do for this testimonial to reach Dr. Nemecheck Dear Dr. Nemecheck, I don’t know if this testimonial will reach your eyes, but I sure hope so. By the time he was 2 years old, my little boy was presenting all the symptoms of Non-Verbal Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, Apraxia, GERD, Global Developmental Delays, Food Intolerance, Food Allergies and severe aggressive behavior. I cannot count the numerous times he injured me with his aggressive tantrums. Those injuries included Black eyes, Swollen nose, bloody lips, scratches and black&blues everywhere.… Read more »

April 30, 2019 4:10 pm

Hello Dr. Nemechek! My son has been on the Nemechek Protocol for 8 months. He has had some incredible gains. He is so calm and focused with NP. But now he has been wetting the bed for about a month. I’m 99% positive it is the inulin causing it, which I figured out through process of elimination. If I stop the inulin, the bed wetting stops. If I restart the inulin, the bed wetting starts again that same night. I have done this 4 times now to see if there was truly a correlation. No other changes have been made.… Read more »

Klaudia Rystwej
Klaudia Rystwej
April 22, 2019 8:03 pm

Dear Dr. Nenechek. Could you please confirm that all childeren even under age of 10 (i am Talking about childer age of 3 to 6 for example) suppose to use xifaxan in dose of 550mg twice Daily(1100mg per Day in Total) ? Or should the dose be lower for smaller kids? Tia

Marianne D.
Marianne D.
April 19, 2019 4:36 pm

Does your protocol work for estrogen dominance in women? I have tried many things to relieve hot flashes, mood swings, and even PMDD so bad that it results in psychosis for 1 week out of every month. My alternative health doctor said my estrogen is causing this, but all the medications I have tried failed to help. Does inulin have some anti-estrogen effects, or is it more the omega-3 and omega-9 oils which can do this?

April 19, 2019 4:07 pm

Dr. N, you say that: “patients are temporarily placed on a medication that greatly reduces the risk of sudden cardiac death”. Which medication are you using for this? I bought your book but didn’t find the name of the medication in it. Also, will your protocol work without the fish oil, so just inulin and olive oil… can it still produce improvements?

April 19, 2019 3:35 am

Hello Dr. Nemechek, my 5 yr old son’s stool test came back positive for Dientamoeba fragilis parasite. I tried searching on this blog and FB group, but can’t find any answer. Do you think your protocol will help in killing/decreasing those parasites? Or, should I do the parasite cleanse along with your protocol? Please advise.

April 20, 2019 8:10 pm

I am in the U.S. I will get that antibiotic. Thank you so much.

Rose Smithson
Rose Smithson
April 15, 2019 8:02 pm

Dr Nemechek, about extreme instability in a child: My son with autism cycles between “stable” normal days, and extremely bad days, without any apparent reason. We’ve tried many approaches, diets, supplements over the years. All supplements produced very bad side-effects, like even B-vitamins produced some strange behavioral reactions that don’t make any sense. Even a simple food, like eating a food like banana or apples, will make him agitated, sweating, and confused (even though he doesn’t test positive on classic food allergy tests). But even with a diet which is exactly the same every day, he may have 2 good… Read more »

Vincent Finlay
Vincent Finlay
April 15, 2019 7:57 pm

Dr. Nemechek – I believe Iā€™m in a more advanced stage of autonomic dysfunction. Iā€™ve tried to schedule an appointment, but I was told you donā€™t have anything available until February 2020. I feel I may need the vagus nerve stimulator, but I canā€™t purchase unless I see you in person first. My health is steadily declining. I donā€™t know if my body can hold off until next year. Iā€™m willing to be put on your waiting list, but thereā€™s no guarantee Iā€™ll be able to get anything sooner. Are there any other doctors that you are aware of who… Read more »

April 13, 2019 4:12 pm

Dear Dr, In some blog, have read about cookie test. My son used to response for cookies before we start NP. Last Aug 2018, we have started the full protocol with approved brands. He is in 4 years and 8 months. We started Now Inulin with 1/16 tsp and increased to 1 tsp by last Jan 2019, along with California Olive oil and 1 ml Ultimate Omage FO. But we never see any progress. From Last Feb 2019, onward, after reading some blogs , have reduced the inulin slowly and now we are with 1/4 tsp. After reduced to 1/2… Read more »

May 1, 2019 1:29 pm

Thanks a lot Dr.

Rose Smithson
Rose Smithson
April 12, 2019 9:43 pm

Hello Dr. Nemechek. 2 questions. What is your opinion on “LDN” (low dose naltrexone), for autism and other neurological conditions, for children and adults? Is it OK to combine your protocol together with LDN?

April 10, 2019 8:00 am

Hello Doctor, My daughter 3 years old has multiple food intolerance, By multiple I mean more then 150 in red zone. We are 4 months following your protocol and recently have repeated Food intolerance test and nothing change. Could you please share your opinion regarding that? When we could see improvement in for those intolerance? I know healing takes time, I just want to be sure we are going in right direction. Time is precious for all of our kids. Thank you so much!

April 9, 2019 11:47 pm

My son’s doctor recently prescribed retinin a for my 8 y.o. asd son’s white spots on his face. Will this interfere with protocol? Thank you.

April 14, 2019 4:48 am

Thank you!

April 4, 2019 9:58 am

as per ONE Test done one month prior to beginning protocol showing very low levels in both proprionic acids , in fact one type barely traceable , in my 8 year old boy , might adding inulin affect him negatively? in other areas where the body requires having proprionic acid for other functions. thank you !

April 12, 2019 10:47 pm

thank you for that. have a good day

Marco S
Marco S
March 29, 2019 11:04 am

Hello Dr. Nemechek We started the protocol (ASD) several month ago, strictly following the bookā€™s raccomandations. The awakening came very quickly, in less than a week. All the family was amazed to see our 5 yo child completely transformed and able to communicate so well. Unfortunately it all lasted 4 days then he fall back into his own world, very sad to see. We kept the protocol, slowly increasing the inulin (we started at 1.5 grams/day gradually up to 10 grams/day) but the ā€œawakeningā€ we saw at the beginning never came back in the following 2 months. Then we completely… Read more »

Marco S
Marco S
April 3, 2019 4:59 pm

Good morning Dr Nemechek,
Following your advise, we went to our pediatrician and we got our Rifaximin prescription, as follow:

Spiraxin 200 mg – 1 pill every 6 hours, for 10 days.

As the dosage of Rifaximin available here in Spain is different that the 550 mg (twice a day) that you suggest in the book, I would ask if the prescription that we got still fits the Nemechek Protocol. (By the way, my son weights 22 Kg and is physically very healthy, almost bulletproof and is not taking any other drugs)
Thank you for your kind answer.

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