Autonomic Nervous System

Read more about the Autonomic Nervous System and how it controls every function of your body and how it affects your health.

Stop P.O.T.S. using The Nemechek Protocol

Stop P.O.T.S. (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, called ā€œP.O.T.S.,ā€ is a relatively new and growing diagnostic label. Let’s take a look at this diagnosis and how to stop P.O.T.S. What is P.O.T.S.? Individuals with P.O.T.S. experience a rapid increase in their heart rate when they stand up, often accompanied by low blood pressure symptoms. These symptoms include heart […]

Stop P.O.T.S. (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)

varicose veins and erectile dysfunction

Varicose Veins and Erectile Dysfunction

As different as they sound, the development of varicose veins (men and women) and erectile dysfunction (ā€œE.D.ā€ in men) are often of the same origin. Having one or both of those issues may signal underlying nervous system damage caused by metabolic inflammation. Fortunately, nonsurgical, non-pharmaceutical answers may help both of these health issues. What is

Varicose Veins and Erectile Dysfunction

ADD, ADHD, Brain Fog and MCI are Due to Low Brain Blood Pressure

How are ADHD and Brain Fog associated with your autonomic nervous system? Well, the ANS regulates how your body functions, and it controls blood pressure and heart rate. When your nervous system fails to supply adequate blood pressure to the brain, you now have a little less oxygen than your brain needs to function fully

ADD, ADHD, Brain Fog and MCI are Due to Low Brain Blood Pressure Read More Ā»


Heartburn, Acid Build-Up and Low Blood Sugar

Whether you have heartburn (GERD), bloating with meals, or symptoms commonly attributed to hypoglycemia, one of the most common causes for all of these conditions is a gastrointestinal disorder known as gastroparesis. Gastroparesis is a Latin term for ‘paralyzed stomach’ and is used to describe various symptoms attributable to slow emptying of the stomach.Ā  Gastroparesis

Heartburn, Acid Build-Up and Low Blood Sugar

The Variety of Symptoms Caused by SIBO (Bacterial Overgrowth)

This video discusses the variety of symptoms that SIBO can cause. Most people think it is primarily diarrhea which is incorrect. In fact, some studies suggest that 25-30% of the population does not have any intestinal symptoms. The rest of the population may experience a variety of symptoms that may surprise you, from food intolerance

The Variety of Symptoms Caused by SIBO (Bacterial Overgrowth) Read More Ā»

Nemechek Autonomic Medicine Headache

Lightheadedness, Headaches and Fatigue

Recurrent or Chronic Headaches and Fatigue Many patients with symptoms of lightheadedness, recurrent or chronic headaches, or chronic fatigue are often suffering from inadequate blood flow to the brain and scalp muscles that results in inadequate oxygen levels in neurons and scalp muscle, respectively.Ā  Many of these patients have been evaluated by their primary care

Lightheadedness, Headaches and Fatigue

Diabetic Brains

The standard form of diabetes mellitus (DM II) that affects 11-24% of the U.S. adult population is commonly discussed as a problem of elevated blood sugar primarily caused by obesity.Ā  Unfortunately, this version is very outdated. A steady stream of research demonstrates that diabetes is a chronic condition resulting from the deterioration of brain function,

Diabetic Brains

The Dangers of Chronic Inflammation and its Impact on Common Diseases

The Dangers of Chronic Inflammation and its Impact on Common Diseases Read More Ā»

The Magical Health Qualities of Olive Oil

Did you know you can consume one food daily with cardioprotective, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, weight control, and anti-aging characteristics, which also fight food-borne inflammation? As an internal medicine physician, I recommend the daily consumption of extra virgin olive oil as a core component of a healthy, low-inflammation lifestyle. Olive oil is not only anti-inflammatory, but it

The Magical Health Qualities of Olive Oil

There is No Single Best Diet for Everyone

It is generally accepted science that over the last several thousand years, humans thrived equally well on diets ranging from pure vegetarian (people with origins in Asia or Far East cultures) to essentially meat-only diets (people with origins in northern cold climates such as the Inuit) with most ancient cultures subsisting on a mixed vegetarian-carnivore

There is No Single Best Diet for Everyone Read More Ā»

Where Does Cancer Come From?

People diagnosed with cancer naturally search for explanations for its origin and wonder how cancer might have been prevented.Ā  The truth is that most cancers originate naturally within the human body from the moment of birth and continue throughout life. Studies looking for cancer in specific organs after people die from any accident or illness

Where Does Cancer Come From?

Strokes, Inflammatory Concussions, and Vagus Nerve Stimulation

The sudden lack of blood flow to a region of the brain that results in damage to brain tissue is referred to as a stroke. This concept is commonly understood by most patients and physicians. But what is not widely known is that a stroke results in a wave of inflammatory stress throughout the brain

Strokes, Inflammatory Concussions, and Vagus Nerve Stimulation

Concussions and Constipation

Constipation is one of the most common ailments experienced by individuals, both young and old. The excessive retention of stool can be extremely uncomfortable, and a wide variety of remedies deal with the discomfort of poor elimination. Many people consume more fiber or prunes, drink more water, or take a laxative such as magnesium to

Concussions and Constipation

Overnutrition and Neurodegenerative Diseases

Overnutrition is a term that refers to how excessive nutrients can damage the human body. The modern diet has become a common source of excessive nutrients and increases dangerous levels of systemic inflammation within the body.Ā  The stress from the inflammation will activate the genes within our DNA and trigger or worsen common medical conditions

Overnutrition and Neurodegenerative Diseases

Diabetes is More Than Just Controlling Blood Sugar

The growth in our understanding of why people develop Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 (DMT2) is greatly out-pacing our present treatment strategy. In the early 1900s, the primary fear about getting DMT2 was from the very elevated levels of blood sugar (glucose in the 400-700 mg/dl range) that would trigger a deadly condition called diabetic ketoacidosis.Ā 

Diabetes is More Than Just Controlling Blood Sugar Read More Ā»

Tingle Face (dysautonomia): What is it and what should you do?

Sometimes when people feel sleepy and hungry, or maybe they feel restless or anxious, they may also feel a strange tingling sensation in their face, neck, hands, and arms. They will describe it as a sensation that feels like they had been to the dentist hours earlier and the numbing medicine was wearing off, their

Tingle Face (dysautonomia): What is it and what should you do? Read More Ā»

Vagus Nerve Stimulation to Control COVID-19 Inflammation

This is a video I put together that reviews the cytokine storm associated with the severe cases of respiratory failure COVID-19 infection and how vagus nerve stimulation might be used to lessen the severity of the cytokine surge. Patients hospitalized with COVID-19 are predominantly dying of respiratory failure due to a surge of pro-inflammatory cytokines

Vagus Nerve Stimulation to Control COVID-19 Inflammation

Intense Stress Can Damage the Heart: Takotsubo Syndrome

There is growing scientific evidence that stressful situations, emotional stress, and physical overload can damage how the heart functions. This can lead to various heart problems, including having a heart attack, developing an abnormal heart rhythm pattern, or developing congestive heart failure.Ā  Any of these problems can result in broken heart syndrome and ultimately lead

Intense Stress Can Damage the Heart: Takotsubo Syndrome Read More Ā»

Important Update about COOC-Certified Olive Oils

Dear Followers of The Nemechek ProtocolĀ®, The Nemechek Protocol requires the consumption of extra virgin olive oil as a key piece of medical therapy, and I believe the COOC-certification is essential in order to maintain the remarkable improvements in health many of you have experienced. The COOC-certification process is stricter than international standards and it

Important Update about COOC-Certified Olive Oils

Learn About The Nemechek Protocol in Less Than 2 Minutes!

Learn About The Nemechek Protocol in Less Than 2 Minutes! Read More Ā»

Reversal of Alzheimerā€™s Dementia

Over the last six years, advances in neuroscience have begun unraveling the mystery of a population of cells within the brain called primed-microglia. Primed-microglia are an inflammatory and destructive form of white blood cell that are triggered by 4 different known mechanisms; encephalitis (brain tissue infection), repeated brain trauma such as that occurring in the

Reversal of Alzheimerā€™s Dementia

Nighttime Potty

Many patients I see have difficulty sleeping because they have to go to the bathroom multiple times during the night. Men are often told it has to do with their prostate being enlarged while women are often told they have a distended or prolapsed bladder. While these problems may cause people to urinate more frequently

Nighttime Potty

Coat Hanger Neck Pain

Many individuals with chronic or intermittent neck tightness and pain are misdiagnosed.   They are told their vertebrae are out of alignment, have muscular injury from an accident, have a pinched nerve, ā€œcarry their stress thereā€, or have arthritic changes noted on an x-ray. While certainly some individuals may have nerve compression from a serious

Coat Hanger Neck Pain

Do You Have Autonomic Dysfunction?