Overnutrition is a term that refers to how excessive nutrients can damage the human body.

The modern diet has become a common source of excessive nutrients and increases dangerous levels of systemic inflammation within the body.Ā  The stress from the inflammation will activate the genes within our DNA and trigger or worsen common medical conditions such as cancer or diabetes.

Many are familiar with the fact that eating too many calories or excessive amounts of carbohydrates (sugars and starches) can worsen a diabeticā€™s blood sugar level. The blood sugar levels increase to dangerous levels not because there are too many sugars in the food.Ā  It increases because excessive calories and carbohydrates trigger more inflammation and worsen diabetes at the genetic level.

Cooking food at high temperatures or for too long will form another dangerous nutrient called advanced glycation end product or AGE. Consuming excessive amounts of AGEs will also trigger an overnutrition reaction and worsen a diabeticā€™s blood sugar level.

Saturated fats (palmitic acid) are commonly added to packaged foods and, if consumed in excessive amounts, will also worsen blood sugar levels through the inflammatory overnutrition reaction as well.

Reversing Overnutrition

Fortunately, you can reverse the inflammation and damage of overnutrition. This is by activating a natural cellular repair mechanism called hormesis which can be activated through a simple eating pattern called intermittent fasting. To try intermittent fasting, you simply limit the calories you eat (maximum of 600 for men and 500 for women) on one or two nonconsecutive days per week.

This is not a new dietary pattern for humans. Our stone age ancestors naturally engaged in fasting due to scarcity of food, but the over-abundance of food in our modern world has eliminated these periods of involuntary but health-promoting intermittent fasting.

Minimizing consumption of calorie-dense foods, limiting your carbohydrate intake to less than 100 grams per day, avoiding mindless snacking, cooking foods at lower temperatures, and adding a little intermittent fasting can go a long way towards preserving your health and even reverse some of your present medical conditions.

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Picture of Patrick Nemechek, D.O.

Patrick Nemechek, D.O.

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April 9, 2019 9:58 am

Dear Dr. Nemechek, does constant administration of inulin around one teaspoon a day have the potential to cure an adult male at the age of 33 from plaque alopecia? Thank you for your help. It’s wonderful what you do for all those in need, especially autistic children.

Mariann Kis
Mariann Kis
March 29, 2019 5:23 pm

Dear Dr Nemecheck, I have been following your protocol since November 2018 with my 7 years old daughter with global developmental delay and learning disability. I have seen gains and changes in her, which I am very grateful for. A few days ago I got a diagnosis from her neurologist, its NBIA, specifically the BPAN which is extremely rare. My question is if you ever had any patients with this or similar genetic mutation. We live in Ireland so coming in person would be difficult, but I would do anything to help her if you think there is hope for… Read more »

Mariann Kis
Mariann Kis
April 2, 2019 8:39 pm

Thank you so much, Doctor, for everything you do!!!

March 3, 2019 3:40 pm

Dear Dr. Nemechek. I was very impressed with your simple, yet remarkably effective, protocol. I know it has benefited many and would like to translate it to Hebrew so as more of my people get the chance to use it.
If you are interested, please tell me how to go about it.
Thank you very much.

Stephanie Rosales
Stephanie Rosales
February 19, 2019 4:30 pm

Dr Nemechek,
My 4 year old son with ASD has been on your Protocol since June 2018. Iā€™ve recently started adding fresh herbs to our foods (cilantro, parsley, oregano) – will this effect the protocol? Should I stop?
Also, Iā€™ve always givin his inulin in two desperate doses throughout the day. Iā€™ve recently heard it can be better to give the dose all at once?
Thank you!!

Anthony Gilbert
Anthony Gilbert
January 25, 2019 6:18 pm

Dear Dr. Nemecheck,
We read your book and following the protocol for last 11 weeks, just want your advice for calm down for sleep my 7Y old daughter, is it ok to use magnesium foot spray ? will it contradict with the protocol?
Many people suggested in the facebook support group to use magnesium spray to improve sleep. Please need your valuable advice.

January 23, 2019 6:08 am

Hi Dr. Nemecheck,
We read your book and very thankful to you to make up us for new hope , my daughter (6.5Y) in the protocol for three months and we see changes in the appetite recently, she is seeking more food than usual and eating more as well.
And also she is playing with her fingers frequently which we noticed when she was 2-3 year and disappeared, but now we worried since she is more involving it again.
how we can interpret these behaviours to the protocol?

January 20, 2019 10:22 pm

Hi Dr. N, My son has been on the protocol since April of 2018; he will be 6 the end of January 2019. We have seen some great gains in speech, a little with behavior as well as his Palilalia and complex motor stereotype. My question is…he was diagnosed with RSV at 6 days old (somehow we kept him out of the hospital and off antibiotics the whole time), is it possible this caused his SPD and other related issues? I have been reading about a direct link with RSV and cykotine release. Is it possible to reverse everything since… Read more »

January 20, 2019 2:36 pm

Hi Dr. Nemecheck,
we read your book and my daughter in the protocol for last two months, just want to ask you that is it ok to take grass fed beef in the diet?

January 8, 2019 11:55 pm

Hello. I apologize if Iā€™ve missed the answer to this. A family friend just received a diagnosis is ALS. Does your protocol help with this to slow down progression or is it too late? Thank you kindly.

January 2, 2019 12:35 pm

Estimado Dr. _. MI HIJO DE 20 AƑOS HA SIDO diagnosticado recientemente de Asperger, he leido su protocolo pero no sĆ© cĆ³mo iniciarlo y en quĆ© dosis Muchas graciaas

December 7, 2018 4:31 pm

I have noticed an increase of mucus in stool. I’m currently taking 3000mg DHA, the ALA, and 2 tablespoons EVOO. It seems even more so during and after a round of Rifaximin. Is this normal? I have been doing the NP for 3 months and have just finished my 2nd round of Rifaximin.

November 20, 2018 9:44 pm

Hello Dr. Nemechek,
My son has taken anti epilepsy medicine for 1,5 years. Each 4 months we make a special blood test to see the concentration of this anti epilepsy medicine. A few days ago we made the test. It showed that concentration of the medicine in the blood of my son is too high. It has always been normal before. My son is on the Protocol for 10 days. Could the Protocol influence this process? Thank you.
Best regards.

October 30, 2018 5:07 pm

My daughters and I are all on your protocol and having such success – thank you! For intermittent fasting for women (500 calories) would I have to count my olive oil from doing your protocol – or is that separate, as it would take up a lot of the daily calorie allowance, I imagine!

October 25, 2018 3:19 am

Hi my 3.5 son has been on your Protocol for a month and has tiny gains. He has not gone through the awakening phase is that because he has a mild autisim or is it still coming? His does are 1/2tsp Inulin, 1.25ml Nordic Naturals Fish Oil and 1.5-2tbsp of oil. Should I change this? Thanks!!

Sarah Cummings
Sarah Cummings
October 23, 2018 3:13 pm

I really want to try intermittent fasting, I’ve heard of so many benefits. Is there a period of time where your body will need to transition to feel the effects?

Monalisa Saha
Monalisa Saha
October 16, 2018 5:43 am

Hello Dr. Nemechek, My 8 year old minimally verbal daughter on the spectrum has been suffering from massive pain issues for one year now. She gets massive pain in her head, hands and legs which turn very hot and red sometimes. When it’s bearable she tells and writes explaining it, but beats herself miserably when the pain gets unbearable. This issue started after a series of viral and bacterial infections last year. We have been to many doctors, did tons of tests and tried a lot of medicines, but nothing is helping other than antibiotics. Could this be an autonomic… Read more »

October 15, 2018 11:58 am

Dear Dr Nemechek,

Iā€™m 26 and Iā€™ve suffered from severe hyperhidrosis and therefore sympathetic overdrive since age 8. Iā€™ve recently started your protocol and I feel much better mentally.

Sadly Iā€™m still unable to work, so Iā€™m keen to know if the nervous system heals at the same rate as the brain?

Also, Iā€™m considering a 3 day water fast to speed up the recovery of my nervous system. Do you think it would be alright to break from your protocol for this purpose?

Your advice is greatly appreciated, thank you.

Kind regards,


Sarah Brant
Sarah Brant
October 12, 2018 4:56 am

Dr Nemechek,

Our entire family is on your protocol and we have seen substantial gains in our child on the spectrum and our child who has some red flags. I have a question for you concerning a product that I recently read about called Clarifi. Itā€™s a saliva test that detects autism and claims to measure molecules in the saliva. Iā€™m curious to know your opinion on this product. Thanks!

Pamela Dahlsen
Pamela Dahlsen
October 9, 2018 4:24 pm

My daughterā€™s first child is 4 and non-verbal autism. He just started this Protocol 10 days ago. My daughter is 19 weeks pregnant with child number 2. Should she also be on Protocol and is it completely safe during pregnancy?

October 5, 2018 5:19 pm

Hi Dr. Nemechek….I wanted to know if the doses of the 3 supplements that I have to give to my child is about age or weight? … He is 4 years and 6 months old and weight 84 pounds…a big boy!!!..and it is about weight how much I should be giving?…thank you!!!

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