
Lowering your Carbohydrates to less than 100 grams a day can vastly improve the performance of your Autonomic System and help you lose weight and feel healthier.

thin but constantly hungry

Thin But Constantly Hungry

We often think being thin is the same thing as being “healthy,” but this is not necessarily true. Recent studies show that skinny people who eat everything in sight yet never gain a pound are at an increased risk of developing cancer, diabetes, fatty liver disease, and heart disease. Let’s take a closer look at […]

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There is No Single Best Diet for Everyone

It is generally accepted science that over the last several thousand years, humans thrived equally well on diets ranging from pure vegetarian (people with origins in Asia or Far East cultures) to essentially meat-only diets (people with origins in northern cold climates such as the Inuit) with most ancient cultures subsisting on a mixed vegetarian-carnivore

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Overnutrition and Neurodegenerative Diseases

Overnutrition is a term that refers to how excessive nutrients can damage the human body. The modern diet has become a common source of excessive nutrients and increases dangerous levels of systemic inflammation within the body.  The stress from the inflammation will activate the genes within our DNA and trigger or worsen common medical conditions

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Breakfast is Not Your Friend

Fasting and the Elimination of Breakfast Breakfast is often referred to as the “most important meal of the day”.  But is it?  An increasing number of studies suggest otherwise. Our metabolism may work best when we eat in a 6 to 8-hour window during the later portion of the day.  Metabolic mechanisms are turned on

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Choosing How You Die, One Meal at a Time

Too tired to fight with the kids over healthy food and snacks? Too tempted by tasty sugars and carbs to cut them from your diet? Let’s call your diet what it really is, it is your choice of death. Everything would be easy if we could really walk on the treadmill 30 extra minutes to

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Hunger, Calories and Cancer

The fight against cancer begins with lowering your level of hunger. Why do some people get cancer?  The answer is more complicated than just family genetics, because something turns the whole process “on”.  Many of the cancers we fight today such as breast, colon, prostate, and uterine cancer are all related to a metabolic condition

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Are You Hungry An Hour After Dinner?

One of the biggest problems with controlling your weight might be that you are simply too hungry.  If you need a mid-afternoon snack despite having lunch, or if you are hungry an hour after eating a full dinner, you are probably experiencing abnormal hunger. I believe that an abnormal sense of hunger is often due

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“What is Wellness?” – Listen to Dr. Nemechek’s Lecture to Find Out!

This is the first of Dr. Nemechek’s eight talks that comprise his 2012 “Wellness Through Science” lecture series.  In it, he discusses the false premise of modern corporate wellness, the weak health benefits of many common medications and outlines how metabolic inflammation is rapidly being understood as the common cause of many illnesses. [youtube][/youtube]  

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Reverse Osteoporosis with Fish Oil and Exercise

A recent study demonstrated that fish oil supplementation (equal to about 3,000 mg twice daily of a standard fish oil capsule) combined with jogging or brisk walking (30 minutes 3-4 times per week) help to improve bone calcium density and strength better than either alone. The underlying mechanism involved here is reversal of inflammation which

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Low-Carbohydrate Beneficial in Patients with High Breast Cancer Risk

An intermittent, low-carbohydrate diet was superior to a standard, daily calorie-restricted diet for reducing weight and lowering blood levels of insulin, a cancer-promoting hormone, according to recent findings. Read more… From: American Association for Cancer Research. “Intermittent, low-carbohydrate diets more successful than standard dieting, study finds.” ScienceDaily, 8 Dec. 2011. Web. 11 Dec. 2011.

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Starch Intake May Influence Risk for Breast Cancer Recurrence

Researchers have linked increased starch intake to a greater risk for breast cancer recurrence, according to results presented at the 2011 CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, held Dec. 6-10, 2011. Read more… From: American Association for Cancer Research. “Starch intake may influence risk for breast cancer recurrence, study suggests.” ScienceDaily, 8 Dec. 2011. Web.

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More Confusion: Is Red Meat Really That Bad?

Too Much Advice I was asked recently about the repeated news from Harvard’s Public Health Department that eating red meat, especially processed red meat (i.e., sausages and salami) is bad for one’s health. The constant stream of conflicting headlines is causing confusion of the general public. First you have to understand the source. The Harvard

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Heart Surgeon Speaks Out On What Causes Heart Disease

Dr. Dwight Lundell Prevent Disease Thu, 01 Mar 2012 21:58 CST We physicians with all our training, knowledge and authority often acquire a rather large ego that tends to make it difficult to admit we are wrong. So, here it is. I freely admit to being wrong. As a heart surgeon with 25 years experience,

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Diarrhea, Urgent Stools and Bacterial Overgrowth Syndrome

Bacteria and Our Intestinal Tract Our intestinal tract is home to billions of bacteria which are made up of 35,000-50,000 different strains.  Each strains of bacteria has the potential of producing a unique chemical that may influence how our body functions.  This mass of life is only beginning to be recognized as a potential factor

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In Older Adults, A Higher Cholesterol Level Is Associated with a Lower Risk of Death

Yes that’s correct; it’s not a typo! A recent study has demonstrated that a higher total cholesterol level is associated with a lower risk of death from cancer and non-cardiovascular (heart attacks and stroke) disease in older healthy adults (over 55 years of age). Researchers studied 5750 older people (age range, 55–99). At the beginning

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Breast Feeding and Low Carb/High Fat Diets

Poor Breast Milk Production May Be A Sign of Inadequate Calorie Intake A friend of mine was asking about the effects of a low carbohydrate diet on breast-feeding.  She was told to increase her carbohydrate intake while breast-feeding in order to maximize breast milk production, and wondered if this is true or just some outdated advice. She’s

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U.S. Senate Allows Pizza to Remain Classified as a Vegetable

Wow, what would we do without the U.S. Senate? Through all their brilliance, Congress just blocked rules proposed by the USDA  (U.S. Dept of Agriculture) that was targeted to decrease the quantity of starchy foods as well as increase the amounts of vegetables in school meals. Chalk up another victory for ConAgra, Coca-Cola and Del Monte Foods in their

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Cut Down On ‘Carbs’ to Reduce Body Fat

 A modest reduction in consumption of carbohydrate foods may promote loss of deep belly fat, even with little or no change in weight, a new study finds…. Click here for more info. From:  The Endocrine Society (2011, June 6). Cut down on ‘carbs’ to reduce body fat, study authors say.  ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 9, 2011,

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Reduced Carbohydrate Diet Keeps People Feeling Full

A modest reduction in the amount of carbohydrates eaten, without calorie restriction and weight loss, appears to increase a sense of fullness, which may help people eat less, a preliminary study found. The results were presented at The Endocrine Society’s 91st Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C…. Click here to read more. From: The Endocrine Society.

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Why Do I Crave Carbs When I Have a Headache?

The craving for carbohydrates when suffering a headache stems from the fact that many people commonly experience headaches from low blood flow to the brain and scalp muscles. The low blood flow is due to an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system that is commonly associated with insulin resistance, obesity, diabtes and high blood pressure.  The carbohydrate cravings

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Do You Have Trouble Concentrating?

Psychologists are finding out that even when people try to focus on a task they tend to lose concentration within 40 minutes, and sometimes as little as 10 minutes. The studies are based on a new technique, called transcranial Doppler sonography, that uses ultrasound to monitor blood flow velocity in the brain. The technique could

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Proton-Pump Inhibitor Therapy Induces the Symptoms it Is Used to Treat

Many individuals are placed on medications called proton-pump inhibitors (Nexiun, Prilosec, Aciphex) by their physicians for heartburn.  These drugs do a fairly good job of reducing the production of stomach acid but there is a catch.  It seems these drugs also cause a rebound increase in acid production once you stop them.  This study and accompanying

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Bad Reporting, Mediocre Science and the Dangers of Foods

A recent study is being loudly quoted in the press with headlines such as “Processed Red Meat Intake Linked to Type 2 Diabetes Risk”.   Most non-scientists will read the headline and come away with the impression that red meat is somehow bad for them. If people read the true title of the article, “Red meat consumption and

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Weight Loss in Men Reverses Testosterone Deficiency

Low testosterone levels and symptoms of male sexual dysfunction due to obesity may be reversible with weight loss after bariatric surgery, a new study finds.   The results were presented at The Endocrine Society’s 93rd Annual Meeting in Boston. “Morbidly obese men have a high prevalence of hypotestosteronenemia, or low testosterone, and of sexual dysfunction,” said

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Stomach Acid & Hunger

Introduction It is not uncommon for individuals to occasionally feel hungry, weak and shaky or develop a ‘sour stomach’ between meals. Sometimes these symptoms can be so intense that it wakes them from their sleep. The symptoms quickly resolve after eating a snack. Their rapid improvement with food is understandably interpreted as a sign they

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Daytime Sleepiness Is Associated With an Increased Craving for Carbs Among Teens

Results show that the intensity of self-reported craving for carbohydrates increased in a linear relationship with the severity of subjective daytime sleepiness. The odds of having a strong craving for carbs were 50 percent higher among high school seniors with excessive daytime sleepiness. The rate of depression also was higher among students who had a

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“Pickles and Ice Cream” or Why You Crave Sweets

Salty or Sweet:  Your Brain’s Need for Increased Blood Flow Most people crave either salty or sweet food.  They sense these foods make them feel better and because of that they like to eat them.  But many people have never been taught what these food cravings actually mean to their brains.  The reason for your

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Carbs, Sport Drinks and Exercise

Many people drink sports drinks before or after exercising.  These often contain a lot of carbohydrates (Gatorade = 30 grams, Powerade = 25 grams) which are being shown is scientific studies to work against your exercise efforts.  Here is an interesting paper that reviews the benefits of ketogenic diet.  Its an interesting read with some great historical perspective.   Here is the low down.

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Do You Have Autonomic Dysfunction?