Carbs, Sport Drinks and Exercise

Many people drink sports drinks beforeĀ or after exercising.Ā  TheseĀ often contain a lot of carbohydratesĀ (Gatorade = 30 grams,Ā Powerade = 25 grams)Ā which are being shown is scientific studies to work against yourĀ exercise efforts.Ā  Here is an interesting paperĀ that reviews theĀ benefits of ketogenicĀ diet.Ā  Its an interesting read with some great historical perspective.
Here is the low down.
Low glycemic foods (food or drink with no simple sugars and mainly starches)Ā consumed before exercise consistently:

  • Improves the body’s ability to burn fat as an energy source.
  • Decreases the body’s reliance on glucose on fuel.
  • Spares muscle and liver glycogen stores (more to use during exercise)
  • Increases the liver’s ability to produce glucose later in exercise a athlete’s become more fatigued.
  • Improves performance.

After exercise its best to have no carbs because it will prolong fat burning. Ā IfĀ you want something sweet after exercise,Ā itĀ Ā needs to be a lowĀ glycemic indexĀ (GI)Ā drinkĀ like Powerade Zero or Gatorade G2.

Low glycemic foods consumed after exercise:

  • Low GI carbs prevent rebound low blood sugar and rebound hunger.
  • Low carb/low GI prolongs fat burning with lower insulin levels
  • High carb/High GI seem to eliminate the insulin resistance reducing benefits of exercise.

“Carb Loading”Ā 

The concept of “carb loading” as a way to improve athletic performance comes from studies originally done many decades ago.Ā  AthletesĀ were found to perform better after consuming carbohydrates, not only the night before but especially during an athletic event.Ā 

Additional studies sinceĀ have shown that the body doesn’t really need any help loading up the muscle with glycogen (muscle sugar) andĀ consuming sugary drinksĀ during an athletic eventĀ may actually worsen performance.

In regards to eating carbohydrates the night before an athletic event (classic carb loading), this does nothing to promote greater glycogen storage.Ā  The body can only store so much within the muscle and can achieve thisĀ within a few hoursĀ even when fasting.

And interestingly,Ā although sugary drinks consumed during an event seem toĀ improve athletic performance,Ā the improvement has nothing to doĀ with providing the body more sugar as fuel.Ā  It seems we have “sweet sensors” in our mouthsĀ that are activated byĀ the sweet drink in our mouths.Ā  These receptors stimulate a portion of our brain that stimulates the athleteĀ psychological drive or intensity.Ā  This isĀ true mechanismĀ how sugary substances during and event improve performance.

So remember, the improved performanceĀ although real, has nothing to doĀ with the addition of more sugar as fuel.Ā  In fact, athletes performed better if they rinsed their mouths with a sweet solution every 10 minutes or so and then spit out the solution rather than drink it.Ā 

You gotta love science!

My Advice

My advice is to keep it simple.Ā  Focus on minimizing the carbohydrate in the diet to maximize fat burning and just drink cool, cleanĀ water before and after working out.Ā Ā The average athlete reallyĀ doesn’t need the addedĀ sugarsĀ to maintain their performance.

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Picture of Patrick Nemechek, D.O.

Patrick Nemechek, D.O.

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Dennis D.
Dennis D.
June 15, 2011 7:19 pm

Pat after a workout all I want It water. and Glutamine…Is that OK

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