Reversing Autism with The Nemechek Protocol® – Update 2017

Nemechek Autonomic Medicine Autism 2017

There is growing scientific evidence that an imbalance of intestinal bacteria called SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) along with excessive inflammation within the brain are responsible for the features associated with Autism as well as ADD/ADHD, mood disorders, and developmental delay in children.

Bacterial overgrowth occurs when large numbers of bacterial that predominantly live in the colon migrate upwards, and increase the number of bacteria within the small intestine by 10,000 to 100,000-fold. This added bacterial load in the small intestine has two consequences that contribute to Autism.

First, the bacteria often tend to be of a clostridium species which can produce propionic acid in massive amounts. Propionic acid is a short chain fatty acid that is normally produced in small amounts within the intestine but the higher concentrations are being linked to some of the behavioral aspects of autism.

In animal studies, high propionic acid leads to the development of antisocial behaviors, increased sensitivity to sound, light, and touch, as well as gait abnormalities. In human studies, children with autism have very high concentrations of propionic acid within their tissues.

Secondly, the increased concentration of bacteria within the small intestine causes leakage of pieces of bacteria into the large concentration of immune cells that surround the small intestine and triggers the inflammatory reaction referred to as leaky gut.


Hello! Just wanted to share that I started my Autistic/Apraxic 3 year old son on your protocol almost a month ago. He had about 10 words before this, averaging 1 new word a month prior. He has since, in that short time had an explosion of speech. He has been saying now about 1 new word a day, said 3 new words just yesterday, and has even spoken a few 3 word sentences. I felt hopeless before trying your protocol and cannot believe the large gains we are seeing so quickly! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!   –   A Mom on Facebook

Leaky gut causes an increase in peripheral pro-inflammatory cytokine levels and allows for the inflammatory priming of a specialized form of white blood cell known as microglia within the central nervous system.

The combined production of inflammatory cytokines and activated microglia are primarily responsible for the developmental issues, seizures, sensory issues, mood and attention disorders commonly associated with autism.

A child is born with approximately 100 billion neurons and over the ensuing 18 years, needs to prune these neurons down to 50 billion in a process referred to a synaptic pruning. Excess inflammation from leaky gut, microglia priming and omega 3:6 imbalances prevents otherwise healthy microglia from pruning fast enough, and results in developmental delay.

The priming effect from the bacterial overgrowth causes many microglia to shift into the M1-phenotype, and results in the brain being less able to fully repair itself from commonplace physical (falls and bumps to the head), emotional (fear, abuse, neglect) and inflammatory (surgery, infections, vaccines) brain injuries.

A small residual amount of damage will remain after each injury, and each new injury leaves residual damage upon the prior injury in a process referred to as cumulative brain injury. The abnormal neurological functioning from cumulative brain injury can occur slowly over time and or rapidly depending on the intensity of the brain injury. Damage to different portions of the brain will result in different outward symptoms such as ADHD, chronic anxiety or gait abnormalities.

Buy Your Copy of The Nemechek Protocol for Autism and Developmental Disorders Today!

The elevated inflammatory cytokines are also able to turn on certain genes that are linked with autism and may be responsible for certain features or more severe forms of Autism.

And finally, the excessive inflammatory environment in the brain reduces the seizure threshold and make seizures more likely to occur. The drop in the seizure threshold from inflammation is seen when young children without Autism develop febrile seizures with the fever and inflammatory reaction that occurs with simple upper respiratory viral infections or middle ear infections.

My understanding of the bacterial and inflammatory features in Autism have opened the door for me to provide groundbreaking treatment. The bacterial overgrowth increases propionic acid levels that cause kid’s brains to function differently, almost like a chemical impairment or slight intoxication, and at the same time the inflammation prevents normal neuron pruning and development as well as inhibits normal brain injury repair.

My approach to reverse the key components in Autism is straightforward. To provide the brain with a healthy, non-inflammatory environment to function more normally and to allow microglia to correctly prune and repair the brain, we need to reverse bacterial overgrowth and suppress the production of inflammation cytokines that are produced from a variety of sources.

By applying a logical understanding of science, I have focused application of The Nemechek Protocol™ medical consultation and treatment services on Autism, and have reversed the key features of Autism in many children.

The Nemechek Protocol for Autism uses a prebiotic fiber called inulin to reverse and control bacterial overgrowth, and high doses of omega-3 fatty acids to normalize microglial function and normalize the inflammatory state within the brain.

Cooking with domestic extra virgin olive oil also helps reduce brain inflammation resulting from linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid found in in high concentration in cooking oils and processed foods.  Inulin is a natural fiber found in onions, garlic, artichokes, agave, chicory root and many other plants.

When buying powdered inulin, I avoid ones that also contain probiotics or digestive enzymes as these ingredients can makes some aspects of Autism worse.  (See my post on probiotics for more info on this topic.)

I find that 2-4 inulin gummies or 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of powdered inulin daily can reverse bacterial overgrowth enough to allow an autistic child (2-8 years of age) to become much more aware and interactive with their environment within a few weeks. And depending on the amount of underlying developmental delay, children will often start speaking within a few weeks to a few months.

Remember this is a simple plant fiber found in foods we eat every day, and is safe in children. If children get a little gassy or bloated, I recommend cutting back on the dose. Inulin is heat-tolerant and can be mixed or sprinkled over any form of liquid or food.

To help reduce the inflammation within the brain and normalize the behavior of microglia, my autistic patients are placed on omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) from fish. A recommended starting dose for small childrens is about 600 mg of omega-3 (the total of EPA plus DHA) per day.  DHA is particularly important as it is the main omega-3 in the brain.  (Read this post for more information on DHA as brain food.) Omega-3 fatty acids may be given in the forms of simple fish oil mixed in their food or drinks.

I don’t recommend fermented fish oil.  And when dosing I tend to increase the dose of omega-3 is the children are older (specific dose for varying ages of children can be found in The Nemechek Protocol for Autism and Developmental Disorders)  When in doubt, I favor a high dose.

If children have difficulty with diarrhea or prior problems with fish oil causing diarrhea, I have the kids start inulin fiber alone for 2-3 weeks in order to let the gut bacteria balance out, and then slowly increase the dose of fish oil and usually the tolerance is much better.

Whether the parents use Nordic Fishies or or another brand of liquid fish oil, I recommend they buy a high-quality brand as there is a very high level of fraud in the supplement industry.

All families are asked to cook their foods in domestic extra virgin olive oil (EVOO).  EVOO contains 70% oleic acid, and oleic acid reverses the underlying inflammation coming from excessive linoleic acid toxicity.  (Watch my screencast for more information on the benefit of olive oil.)

Linoleic acid is most commonly found in the unnatural vegetable oils added to the foods we purchased.  (See my other post about omega-3/omega-6 rebalancing for more information on this topic.)

The bigger, older children with autism require more effort and higher doses of inulin.  To gain better control of SIBO in older children I often treat with a 10-day course of Rifaximin (Xifaxan in U.S.).  Rifaximin is a non-absorbable antibiotic that is only used for other bacterial overgrowth conditions (hepatic encephalopathy and IBS with diarrhea).

Follow-up use of inulin after Rifaximin is sometimes used if intestinal symptoms are still present.  If inulin does not make any significant difference as a follow-up therapy, I stop it.  I never add probiotics after resetting with Rifaximin because probiotics can easily make things worse even if they helped prior to the use of Rifaximin.

The reversal of bacterial overgrowth with inulin results in a drop of propionic acid and can result in a sudden improvement in function within a few weeks.  But many children do not fully return to normal because they still have underlying developmental delay (some quite severe) as well as ADD, ADHD, sensory issues, seizures, as well as chronic depression, anxiety or aggressive behaviors. ( Watch my screencast about how leakage of LPS from bacterial overgrowth prevents the brain from fully recovering from injuries.)

Buy Your Copy of The Nemechek Protocol for Autism and Developmental Disorders Today!

These remaining conditions take longer but week by week things can slowly improve.  If there is no significant improvement within 2 months, I generally increase the dosage of omega-3 fatty acids. If things still do not improve or seem to plateau after a couple months, I now add bioelectric Vagus Nerve stimulation to the Nemechek Protocol with good results.  (See my screencast about vagus nerve stimulation.)

The brains of older kids that have experienced prolonged bacterial overgrowth and inflammation as well as more brain injuries that occur over time, generally take longer to show improvement but I have seen significant progress in older kids as well.

I care for 2 teenage non-verbal autistic boys (14 and 16 years of age), and although they showed signs of continual improvement, they took about 4-5 months to begin speaking.

More recent is a remarkable case of a 23-year-old non-verbal autistic girl with frequent seizures. Within 8 months her seizures had reduced from 5-7 per day to 2-3 per week, and she can now write her name and converse in both Spanish and English (she lives in a dual language family).

For autistic children, the Nemechek Protocol will need to be daily and possibly forever but the benefits are life changing. Inulin fiber, omega-3 fatty acids and olive oil are from natural sources, are commonly consumed by most of us every day, and are available without prescription.

I am a classically trained internal medicine physician (D.O.) from UCLA and my Internal Medicine and Autonomic practice is in the Phoenix area. My research background has been focused on the Autonomic Nervous System, brain metabolism, and metabolic inflammation.

I use all available scientific and medical tools to induce the nervous system and organs to repair themselves by normalizing inflammation control mechanisms, inducing natural stem cell production, and re-activating innate restorative mechanisms.

March 23, 2017 –  An Addendum on Recovery

My Experience with Autism Recovery:

Uniformly all the kids under my care (50-60 to date) seem to be improving in significant ways.

In terms of speech, some younger kids start speaking within a few weeks while kids in the teens might take 4-6 months.  Our 23-year-old patient didn’t start speaking until after 8-9 months of treatment.

Importantly, even the most severe cases have a noticeable improvement in their awareness of their surroundings within a week or 2.  I interpret this as a decline in the toxic effect of the propionic acids on their brains.  Parents report more eye contact, awareness or acknowledgement others have entered the room.  They also seem more tolerant of being touched or held, or are more willing to approach someone and be physically close to them.

After the first few weeks, recovery rates are highly variable, and I believe this is due to the degree of developmental delay underlying the toxic state.  If the inflammatory cytokine process has been going on since birth, there can be so much developmental delay as to be labeled mentally retarded.  But if the developmental delay is simply mild, kids may seem very functional quickly.

The important point to remember is that your child’s brain and an enormous capacity to continue the path of development once the inflammation is controlled.  Neuronal/synaptic pruning will re-initiate, and according to the developmental delay literature, they can catch-up about 2-3 months of development for every 1 calendar month.  In my estimation, it seems to advance this fast if not faster.

The underlying wild card is what gene has been activated by the inflammation and what might it do to the neurological impairment of your child’s brain.  The inflammatory environment that prevents normal synaptic pruning and recovery from brain injury also triggers the litany of genes being found in autism.

Inflammatory cytokines abnormally produced by the mother are affecting the child’s nervous system within the womb, and then the imbalance of intestinal bacteria of the child as well as high omega-6 food sources continue to fuel the inflammatory process within the child after birth.

These inflammatory cytokines are the primary process through which the genes within the DNA that had been dormant for 1,000’s of years in the child’s ancestors are finally activated, begin altering how cells function, and contribute to the overall variety of neurological, behavioral characteristics that manifest in autism.

Here’s the potential for recovery in the autistic brain. A 23-year old non-verbal autistic female (Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome), was having 6-8 seizures per day and had never held her parents gaze for her entire life.  She did not like to be held, could not color or write, and sat curled up in a chair most of the day rocking.

Within 2 months’ of starting our protocol (rifaximin, high dose omega-3 fatty acids, and mother cooking with California olive oil), her seizures had dropped to 1-2 a day, she would sit upright in a chair and she slept through the night.

At month 4 she started looking her parents in the eyes and holding their gaze, and was more able to be touched and hugged.

At her month 6 office visit, she started smile at me, her seizures had reduced to 1-2 per week, she could now write her name (although she had never been shown previously) and could draw objects that were recognizable.

At 8 months, she began speaking rudimentary Spanish and English (dual language household) but emotionally is behaving as if she is 3 years old.

At 18 months, she speaks very clearly in full sentences, her seizures have declined to 1-2 per month (despite discontinuation of 2 seizure medications), and her emotional maturity has risen to about that of a 4-5-year-old.

But don’t despair. No matter how badly the developmental delay has slowed brain maturation, the potential for an unbelievable recovery is present.  We are beginning to understand that once human genes are turned on by inflammation, they can ultimately be shut back off again once the inflammatory environment within the body is significantly reduced.

Do your best to be patient and give this approach a chance.  Because the path to recovery over all things medical is 3 steps forward, and 1-2 back, compare today’s behavior to last month’s, not yesterday’s. The neurons within the human brain, like your hair, can only grow and change only so fast.

Every month, your child’s brain has the ability to “catch-up” 2-3 months in development.  That means every calendar year, they may catch-up 2-3 years.  I believe once the inflammation is suppressed, all that is required for recovery is a good solid inflammation suppressing regimen and patience.

May 26, 2017 – Addendum on The Misconception of Feeding Bad Bacteria and Yeast

The conclusion that increased stemming, less sleeping or increased anxiety is from inulin feeding “bad” bacteria such as Klebsiella has been a concern of several commenters.

I’m not saying this is impossible but I do not believe that to be the case, and have never seen such a reaction in the many children I’ve worked with. There are several reasons for this.

First, inulin’s main effect is within the lumen of the small intestine where bacteria digest inulin through a process referred to as fermentation. The primary effect is the production of the healthy short chain fatty acid known as butyric acid. Only small amounts pass through to the colon.

Secondly, a significant increase in pathogenic bacteria, or overgrowth bacteria would almost certainly cause an increase in diarrhea, stool frequency, abdominal cramping, reflux and eczema. We do not see this, and in fact there in general a reversal of these symptoms with the use of symptoms with the use of inulin.  If the intestinal ( not neurological or behavioral) symptoms were to worsen on inulin, I would suggest the inulin be discontinued and would suggest using Rifaximin.

The development of constipation with the use of inulin is a sign of underlying autonomic dysfunction from developmental and cumulative injury that eventually reverse after a few months of fish oil.

Thirdly, propionic acid has a sedating effect on children, almost as if the children had been taking Valium or Xanax. Therefore, once inulin reverses the bacterial overgrowth and the propionic acid levels decline, the children will come out of their stupor. There behavior at this point is predicated but their pre-existing developmental abnormalities and cumulative brain injuries and not some toxic effect of inulin.

A fourth point is that the detection of pathogenic bacteria such as Klebsiella in the stool by no means suggests these bacteria are present within the small intestine where inulin has it’s main effect. Detection of pathogenic bacteria such as <em>Klebsiella pneuomiae</em> or <em>Clostridium difficle</em> are commonly in asymptomatic patients and are essentially harmless. Their growth is kept in check by a healthy balance of other bacteria which is further bolstered with inulin.

Buy Your Copy of The Nemechek Protocol for Autism and Developmental Disorders Today!

And finally, some parents are worried about overgrowth of candida. I agree that candida and other yeasts/fungi inhabit the intestinal tract but more detailed studies demonstrate yeast/fungal overgrowth does not occur in autism. And while the observations of clinical improvement about reduction of sugars and etc. are correct (think GF/CF, FODMAPS, GAPS), they were misattributed to yeast instead of the bacterial overgrowth for which we have mounting evidence.

Because of this, I believe the use of potent anti-fungal drugs is unwarranted in the specific treatment of autism.

Hope this helps.

© 2017. Dr. Patrick M. Nemechek and Jean R. Nemechek. All Rights Reserved. Patent Pending.

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Dr. Patrick Nemechek and Jean Nemechek

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Dr. Nemechek
Dr. Nemechek
July 11, 2019 1:31 am

ATTENTION ALL READERS, PLEASE READ THIS MESSAGE: Unfortunately, due to the overwhelming time demands of my medical practice and time required to answer the questions on this blog (almost 5,000 questions answered to date), I am unable to continue answering questions while I focus my time on getting the 2nd Edition of The Nemechek Protocol Autism and the first edition of The Nemechek Protocol for Adults completed. You can still use the search feature on this blog to find answers to many of your questions. Many of the questions that are being asked have been answered repeated by me (Dr.… Read more »

August 15, 2019 6:42 pm

Hi Dr,
Can the Protocol benefit children with Genetic Disorders?
in one case-
a child with microcephaly, global development delay (and some doctors says also ASD)
EXOM test came back inconclusive with no actual observation,
in second case-
a child with global development delay, had Giardia infection, now EBV
and recent EXOM found change/mutation in GNAO1> GLU246LYS
Can the INULIN do any difference? and also important- can it do any HARM?
Maybe you have some advise for us?
Thank you so much in advance

August 15, 2019 6:05 pm

Hello doctor! My daughter is 3.10 years old..We did hyperbaric oxygen therapy, MB12 shots, with no improvement in speech & toe walking and then got to know about your protocol so stopped all supplements and other biomedical treatment & started full protocol since February -2019 with 1/2 tsp inulin, 1 tsp UU fish oil & 1 tbsp approved cooc seal oil….seeing gains like receptive language got better, learning things, waving for hi-bye, good eye contact,started nodding head, pretend play, reduced stimming etc but no improvement in speech and toe walking, not ready for potty training yet so my question is… Read more »

August 15, 2019 4:47 pm

Hello, my son is 8 years old. On olives like needed and 1/128 tsp of inulin since December 2018 (for a couple of weeks had only olives because of agression).
Having small gains. Each time I try to go up with inulin he is going crazy and aggressive.
I wonder weather I should stay in this amount (1/128) or to go up drastically to 1/8.
I wonder if the small amount is what is doing the troubles or is he just need this 1/128.
Thanx and all the best.

Simon Ttaylor
Simon Ttaylor
August 15, 2019 4:49 am

Hi Dr Nemechek, Thank you so much for a great book and protocol. Our son is ASD non verbal 4.6 years old and we feel has had SIBO since birth and CBI since 18 moths old. He has been on protocol since July 11 2019 with 1/4 tspn Inulin EVOO in food 2.5mL Fish Oil (Australian Brand Ethical Nutrients where 5mL 947mg DHA and 1.9g EPA. It is a highly respected brand in Australia). The fish oil was under the advice of a local nutritionist and to be honest I wasn’t into the protocol at that stage so I didn’t… Read more »

Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
August 15, 2019 3:59 pm
Reply to  Simon Ttaylor

I think you need to read and follow the protocol and get a second opinion the next time someone suggest your child has a problem with parasites or yeast.

San Zaf
San Zaf
August 14, 2019 9:09 pm

Hello Dr. N, After 8 month of inulin, my 4 year ASD son stopped responding to Inulin. We gave him Rifaximin 3 weeks ago. First two weeks, were great, trying to talk more, communicate with one word , saying he wants to go to potty. We are at end of week 3 and he is starting to zone out, stopped saying potty, pooping again in nappies, lost in his own world. So we put him back on 1/2 teaspoon inulin( before rifaximin he required 1+1/4 teaspoon). He is still not saying or asking things,, not requesting to go to potty.… Read more »

Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
August 15, 2019 3:57 pm
Reply to  San Zaf

Sounds like he has relapsed again (as long as their is no obvious other event).

Retry the rifaximin

August 14, 2019 1:28 pm

What is your opinion on colon hydrotherapy?


Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
August 15, 2019 3:53 pm
Reply to  Rose

Not necessary

August 13, 2019 4:57 pm

Hello Dr. My son is 3.9 yrs old and from last week he is on protocol , my question is to be on protocol he need to be on gfcf diet and we have done some of his allergy test as well and he is allergic to almost all the things which we eat even some gluten free food also should I do any food restrictions or just follow ur protocol without food restrictions.

Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
August 15, 2019 3:50 pm
Reply to  Kanika

The food testing results are very inaccurate when there is bacterial overgrowth. In all but the most severe cases (anaphylaxis from peanuts) I only trust food challenges for food allergy determinations.

I do not start anyone on food restrictions and if they are on them, I recommend stopping them (they become unnecessary) 2-4 weeks after either starting inulin or finishing their round of rifaximin.

August 13, 2019 2:02 pm

Hi Dr,
My 5 year nonverbal, asd 18 months on protocol has started doing hand nd vocal stimming along with aggression.
On other hand
We are having slow nd steady gains nd seeing improvement in babling nd some sound productions.
Dosage- 1/2tsp inulin
1.50 ml nnuo
7.5ml cooc approved olive oil.
My question do we need to increase anything at this point or wait bit longer to pass .
No case of illness or constipation etc. Dosage are same from last 5 months.

Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
August 15, 2019 3:44 pm
Reply to  Davinder

Just be patient, this will go away.

August 13, 2019 12:18 pm

Hello Dr. Nemechik! Could you help me to find a solution, please? A boy, 6 years, has autism. He’s been on the protocol since September 2018. His dose is 1/2 inulin, 1 drop of DHA and 1 spoon of olive oil. All stems have disappeared, but he is constantly blowing. Could it be a sign of low blood pressure? And what can I do with this? Thanks a lot in advance.

Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
August 15, 2019 3:43 pm
Reply to  Valeri

What do you mean by “blowing”?

Fir Ali
Fir Ali
August 13, 2019 6:49 am

Hello Dr. N, We’ve been on your protocol for 8 months for my 4 year old son. He was doing great, when he developed sibo flare and we had inulin failure. So we gave him one round of rifaximin 3 weeks ago. First two weeks he did great, but this week his response is decreasing, so is eye contact and he seemed to be zoning out. He still doesn’t have signs of sibo (bad breath, white tongue) but we are worried if we are getting there or is this part of recovery and we just live this phaseout? Or do… Read more »

Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
August 15, 2019 3:40 pm
Reply to  Fir Ali

That recent could (runny nose) might be enough to throw him off temporarily. What and he should come out of it. If not, try another round of RIF

Michelle Gibbons
Michelle Gibbons
August 12, 2019 3:51 pm

Please can someone send me links to peer reviewed research to support this.
I am looking into all alternatives for my son.

Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
August 13, 2019 12:23 am

There are numerous references listed in the book.

Michelle Gibbons
Michelle Gibbons
August 13, 2019 4:44 am

So I have to buy the book.
You cant name a single research or review I can go read.
Well then that has answered my question I guess.
I found another hack who cant help my son and just wants to make money off desperate people.

Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
August 15, 2019 3:37 pm

I’m post the references just so people can see how much verbal abuse I have to endure to try to answer these questions for free when someone can buy a book that will transform their child for only $9.99 on Amazon (less than the cost of 2 latte’s) Autonomic Dysfunction: • Bjørklund G. Cerebral hypoperfusion in autism spectrum disorder. Acta Neurobiol Expo (Wars). 2018;78(1):21-29. • Goodman B. Autonomic Dysfunction in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Neurology April 5, 2016 vol. 86 no. 16 Supplement P5.117. • Anderson CJ et al. Pupil and Salivary Indicators of Autonomic Dysfunction in Autism… Read more »

August 11, 2019 4:30 am

Hello Dr.,

My 10yr old daughter has experienced big reductions in anxiety, and behaviors since starting Protocol (1.5 months). Her doctor prescribed Monteleukast for a simple allergic rhinitis. My question is, can Singulair negatively affect my child’s immune system and gut microbiome?

Please let me know your thoughts and if you would give this medication to your child for a simple stuffy nose (no asthma). If not, I can have the doctor prescribe nasal sprays instead.

Thank you so much for your opinion!!

Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
August 13, 2019 12:42 am
Reply to  AnnMarie

Compared to antihistamines or nasal sprays, I don’t think Singulair is very effective for sinus allergies.

That being said, I don’t think Singulair will negatively affect the gut biome.

August 11, 2019 4:08 am

Hi Dr, thank you so much for your support, our 25-month-old son has been in his 100% protocol for 7 months, since he was born with diarrhea, his stool has never been formed, many advances are coming but no intestinal health arrives for our son, diarrhea 2-3 smelly daily, ruled out parasitism and other germs by his gastroenterologist, with a gluten-free and casein-free diet, without supplements or probiotics, we have an appointment to meet him next July, currently 1/16 Inulin NOW, 1 ml FO and cooking with COOC, please some harvests on how to improve our child’s intestinal health or… Read more »

Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
August 13, 2019 12:39 am
Reply to  LESKITA

Why worry so much about the loose stool at this stage if he has been evaluated by a gastroenterologists?

Stay focused on recovery of neurological function and the intestinal issues often resolve on their own.

Too many parents get over-focused on what I call “loose ends” (diarrhea, constipation, some tic or other particular behavior). The parents often resort to needlessly modifying the protocol doses or adding some other supplements and it often ends up in confusion and more problems with recovery.

“Better is the enemy of good enough”.

August 14, 2019 1:52 am

thank you very much for your advice

August 10, 2019 2:22 pm

Hi dr Nemecheck, I have twin boys. Ages 3 years and 4 months.Both of them are autestic. We are on Nemechek protocol from January 2019. One of my boy has improved a lot. And starting to say some words. On of them (twin one )not improve at all. I’m very thankful from you . But I don’t know what to do now. I have an appointment with you on jun 22th ,2020. I try to lower his doses from 1/2 to 1/8 from last 2 weeks. He is more calm but still on his own world. Teeth His doses now… Read more »

Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
August 13, 2019 12:34 am
Reply to  Fo123

If I don’t see any substantial recovery after 6 months, I consider it inulin failure and use Rifaximin instead of inulin.

Simon Ttaylor
Simon Ttaylor
August 10, 2019 1:22 am

Hi Dr. N, our 4 year old son has been on the protocol for almost 4 weeks. We feel like he came through the awakening after 3 weeks with increased hyperactivity, awareness and more anxiety. He is on 1/4 tspn inulin, 1mL fish oil and EVOO in cooking and 1/4 tablespoon in yogurt. He still takes Incremin for low iron. We have stopped all other supplements. Speech is the major concern. His speech was a few words picked up then lost since 2 years old. The number increased a little with ABA therapy started in April to around 10-20 words,… Read more »

Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
August 13, 2019 12:33 am
Reply to  Simon Ttaylor

Speech is a major concern for all parents and often takes much longer to recover than most other issues.

You’re only 4 weeks to go and theres a lot that needs to happen before he recovers his speech.

August 9, 2019 9:28 pm

hello Doctor Nemechek, my friends mother has alzheimer’s, 2 years now, would there be a benefit from using the protocol at this stage. 74 year old woman. thank you kindly T

Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
August 11, 2019 1:55 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

Yes, it can help

August 9, 2019 7:20 pm

Hi I had started my son with ASD on your protocol in May of 2018, in April of 2019 he got severe allergy from antibiotic and had to receive IM steroids and I stopped inulin. When I restarted inulin in May 2019 he started to become aggressive and started to hit himself. As a result I stopped inulin and continued fish oil and EVOO. However, since then his sib related injuries have not decreased and after re reading parts of your book I decided to restart him on inulin. He is currently 5.5 year old. I have started him on… Read more »

Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
August 13, 2019 12:28 am
Reply to  Zahra

The allergic reaction may of given your child a small inflammatory concussion.

You may need to just try even lower doses of inulin

August 13, 2019 2:46 am

Thank you for your reply. Should I also decrease the dose of ultimate omega fish oil. Currently he is taking 5 ml which is about 2400 epa+dha and per the book he should take 500-1000. Please let me know. Thank you

Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
August 15, 2019 3:28 pm
Reply to  Zahra

Maybe so, that is a bit much

August 9, 2019 5:11 pm

Hi Doctor, Firstly my sincere thanks to you from bottom of my heart. Thank you wouldn’t be sufficient. My son is who is 5 years old is on your protocol from past 6 months. Currently he is on following doses NN ultimate omega 2 ml (doubled it after reaching a plateau) EVOO 1/2 tablespoon Inulin 1/2 + 1/8 teaspoon (from past three weeks) He was bit calm and sometimes repeating words . But from past one week he is walking continuously all the time and his hand flapping has increased ( doing it wantedly) and also has vocal stimming. Is… Read more »

Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
August 13, 2019 12:25 am
Reply to  HoneyBon

You’ll find you answer in the chapters on relapses.

August 8, 2019 6:31 pm


My  daughter is 4yo and has high function autism, she has been on the protocol since nov.  2018. 

 fish oil dose 2/3 now. She gets  COOC approved EVOO with food and 1/4 tsp inulin.

I have tried to increase her dose of inulin and I saw more awareness for a few days and lost it.

Then, I dropped inulin to 1/16 tsp where I saw  awareness that lasted for a few days.

It seems that everytime I change the dose ( up or down) awareness increase then she loses this gain and we go back to old behaviour… less eye contact less responding.

Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
August 11, 2019 3:08 am
Reply to  Maayan

The real question is, “Are you seeing significant gains since November?”

If not, maybe she need Rifaxaimin

August 8, 2019 5:35 am

Hello Dr Nemecheck,

We did PET SCAN for my son who is 6 yr old and the findings include mild cerebellum hypoperfusion, he constantly wiggles his fingers on left hand, has anxiety , drooling, attention and other learning issues. I would like to know if the protocol will help treat these issues and if I need to add pinch of salt in the drinking water to help keep increase blood pressure/oxygen supply ? we are currently on 1/8th inulin, 5 ml EVOO and Ultimate fish oil (approved protocol supplements).


Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
August 11, 2019 3:07 am
Reply to  Annie

Yes, it should help

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