Fish Oil

Fish Oil is rich in omega-3 fats which are very important for a healthy Autonomic Nervous System and a healthy lifestyle.

Stop P.O.T.S. using The Nemechek Protocol

Stop P.O.T.S. (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, called “P.O.T.S.,” is a relatively new and growing diagnostic label. Let’s take a look at this diagnosis and how to stop P.O.T.S. What is P.O.T.S.? Individuals with P.O.T.S. experience a rapid increase in their heart rate when they stand up, often accompanied by low blood pressure symptoms. These symptoms include heart […]

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Important Update about COOC-Certified Olive Oils

Dear Followers of The Nemechek Protocol®, The Nemechek Protocol requires the consumption of extra virgin olive oil as a key piece of medical therapy, and I believe the COOC-certification is essential in order to maintain the remarkable improvements in health many of you have experienced. The COOC-certification process is stricter than international standards and it

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Learn About The Nemechek Protocol in Less Than 2 Minutes!

Learn About The Nemechek Protocol in Less Than 2 Minutes! Read More »


Aging is associated with low-grade chronic inflammatory state referred to “inflamm-ageing” or inflammaging.   Inflammaging is abnormal and unhealthy. It is associated with a chronically increased level of inflammatory chemicals within the blood stream called cytokines, and looks as if there is a chronic infection within the body but none exists. Inflammaging accompanies virtually all

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Your Brain’s Favorite Food

Did you know that omega-3 DHA is your brain’s favorite food? Studies of primitive man show their brain growth depended on the amount of omega 3-DHA fatty acids in their food. The evolutionary record demonstrates that the ancestors of modern humans that migrated from Africa, between 40,000 to 100,000 years ago, lived along lakes and

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Chronic Pain is Often Broken Inflammation

Are pain management efforts actually working against people? A number of people that I see suffer from chronic pain. They have been told their pain is from damaged cartilage, bone on bone, bad discs, or that something is pressing on a nerve. The technical truth is that their pains are from uncontrolled inflammation, and surprisingly

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Inflammation and Depression

There are encouraging new findings about the cellular causes of depression which offers new hope for those who struggle with this disease. These same cellular mechanisms are also believed to be involved with bipolarism, schizophrenia, some forms of anxiety and probably PTSD. We now look at the “symptoms” of depression (low mood, fatigue, lack of

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Fish Oil and Flax Improves Your Metabolism

The cells of your body are extremely complex and are composed of a variety of fatty acids that help the cells preform various functions.  Fatty acids are classified into 4 groups, saturated fatty acids (SFA), monosaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Your body produces many fatty acids from other molecules with the

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Reverse Osteoporosis with Fish Oil and Exercise

A recent study demonstrated that fish oil supplementation (equal to about 3,000 mg twice daily of a standard fish oil capsule) combined with jogging or brisk walking (30 minutes 3-4 times per week) help to improve bone calcium density and strength better than either alone. The underlying mechanism involved here is reversal of inflammation which

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Do You Feel Broken After Pregnancy?

Common Problems After Pregnancy In my practice, I commonly encounter women who developed a number of physical problems that seemed to start after pregnancy.  In spite of consultations with their primary care doctors and multiple specialists, women are told that “everything is normal” and sent on their way with a few prescriptions to dampen their

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More Confusion: Is Red Meat Really That Bad?

Too Much Advice I was asked recently about the repeated news from Harvard’s Public Health Department that eating red meat, especially processed red meat (i.e., sausages and salami) is bad for one’s health. The constant stream of conflicting headlines is causing confusion of the general public. First you have to understand the source. The Harvard

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Fish Oil’s Impact On Cognition and Brain Structure Identified in New Study

Researchers at Rhode Island Hospital’s Alzheimer’s Disease and Memory Disorders Center have found positive associations between fish oil supplements and cognitive functioning as well as differences in brain structure between users and non-users of fish oil supplements. The findings suggest possible benefits of fish oil supplements on brain health and aging. News Source:  Fish oil’s

Fish Oil’s Impact On Cognition and Brain Structure Identified in New Study Read More »

Do You Have Autonomic Dysfunction?