ADD, ADHD, Brain Fog and MCI are Due to Low Brain Blood Pressure

How are ADHD and Brain Fog associated with your autonomic nervous system? Well, the ANS regulates how your body functions, and it controls blood pressure and heart rate. When your nervous system fails to supply adequate blood pressure to the brain, you now have a little less oxygen than your brain needs to function fully […]

ADD, ADHD, Brain Fog and MCI are Due to Low Brain Blood Pressure Read More Ā»

Tingle Face (dysautonomia): What is it and what should you do?

Sometimes when people feel sleepy and hungry, or maybe they feel restless or anxious, they may also feel a strange tingling sensation in their face, neck, hands, and arms. They will describe it as a sensation that feels like they had been to the dentist hours earlier and the numbing medicine was wearing off, their

Tingle Face (dysautonomia): What is it and what should you do? Read More Ā»

Treating Long COVID with the Nemechek Protocol

Over the past year, I have seen many patients with chronic symptoms that began or worsened since being ill with COVID-19 (SARS-Co-V-2 infection). The chronic health issues following COVID-19 are wide-ranging, and 75% of individuals with chronic post-COVID symptoms were not hospitalized during the acute phase of their illness. Those with damaged hearts, lungs or

Treating Long COVID with the Nemechek Protocol

COVID-19 Long Hauler Vagus Nerve Stimulator Trial

Nemechek Autonomic Medicine is presently enrolling patients in a pilot trial examining for the presence pf autonomic nervous system dysfunction in individuals with chronic symptoms after COVID-19 infection. As our understanding of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and the mechanisms involved in developing acute coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) expand, there is a growing number of clinical cases of

COVID-19 Long Hauler Vagus Nerve Stimulator Trial

Transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation holds potential to suppress COVID-19 cytokine stormĀ 

Dr. Nemechek has published another peer-reviewed article discussing the potential of vagus nerve stimulation as treatment for active COVID-19 infection. Here is the abstract (summary) of the article: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) continues to exert mortality worldwide largely due to a lack of treatment options to prevent or ameliorate advanced respiratory dysfunction. Knowledge of the

Transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation holds potential to suppress COVID-19 cytokine stormĀ  Read More Ā»

Read Dr. Nemechek’s Most Recent Peer-Reviewed Article on COVID-19

Read this short communication piece I wrote that was just published in the Journal of Emerging Diseases and Virology. Vagus nerve stimulation holds the potential to suppress the dangerous inflammatory surge (“cytokine storm”) believed to contribute to the lethality of COVID-19 infection. Five minutes of transcutaneous VNS can substantially suppress inflammation. Inexpensive, simple and reuse-able;

Read Dr. Nemechek’s Most Recent Peer-Reviewed Article on COVID-19 Read More Ā»

Vagus Nerve Stimulation to Control COVID-19 Inflammation

This is a video I put together that reviews the cytokine storm associated with the severe cases of respiratory failure COVID-19 infection and how vagus nerve stimulation might be used to lessen the severity of the cytokine surge. Patients hospitalized with COVID-19 are predominantly dying of respiratory failure due to a surge of pro-inflammatory cytokines

Vagus Nerve Stimulation to Control COVID-19 Inflammation

Your Immune System and Limiting Your Risk to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Because of my experience, frankness, and extensive history researching and treating individuals with HIV infection, I have been asked by many friends and patients about the Coronavirus and how one may improve their immune systemā€™s capacity to fight off infections. The best way to avoid infection with coronavirus (COVID-19) and minimize the virusā€™s impact if

Your Immune System and Limiting Your Risk to Coronavirus (COVID-19) Read More Ā»

Do You Have Autonomic Dysfunction?