Kids with Eczema, Heartburn or Headaches

Does your child suffer from eczema, heartburn or headaches?

While these conditions have become common in children, they are not normal.Ā  Parents do not realize these symptoms are warning signs that their child is unhealthy.Ā  Advances in medicine have made it is possible to simply ā€œmaskā€ these symptoms with pills; this results in the real underlying problem never being addressed.

Research shows that these 3 common ailments are often caused by a disorder called Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (ā€œSIBOā€).Ā  SIBO occurs when bacteria migrate up from the lower intestine and triggers a silent, yet destructive, chain of events.Ā  Parents do not know their child has SIBO because it does not show up on routine medical tests.

SIBO affects the autonomic nervous system and leads to other symptoms such as lightheadedness, reflux, constipation, and frequent urination. Ā Ā Leaky gut phenomena from SIBO causes eczema, rosacea and a variety of other skin conditions.

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SIBO can cause colicky abdominal pain and frequent urinary tract infections in children.Ā  Children can also be misdiagnosed with a learning disorder or Attention Deficit Disorder simply because they are experiencing the intolerable effects of SIBO.

Several factors contribute to getting SIBO.Ā  First, repeated courses of antibiotics prescribed to children are also believed to trigger SIBO.Ā  Secondly, infants acquire their intestinal bacteria from their mothers at birth.Ā  If the mother has any of the medical conditions listed above, there is a good chance she unknowingly has SIBO and already passed her unhealthy blend of bacteria on to her children.

It is critical to stop and reverse SIBO for your childā€™s present health, and because later in life it is believed that SIBO contributes to the development of diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure.

I treat children every day who suffer from SIBO.Ā  Restoring a childā€™s intestinal bacteria can result in a miraculous reversal of the childā€™s symptoms. Ā Common probiotics are not effective enough to fully reverse the damaging effects of SIBO.Ā  Re-stabilization of intestinal bacteria often requires the use of PRE-biotic fibers called fructooligosaccharides (FOS).

If your child has eczema, heartburn, or headaches please consult with your doctor and do not give up until your child’s condition rsolves.Ā  Do not simply ‘control’ your childā€™s symptoms with medications.Ā Ā  Contact my office (623-208-4226) if you’d like your child evaluated and treated for SIBO.

READ MORE:Ā Itā€™s Time to Worry If Your Child Has Heartburn

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Picture of Patrick Nemechek, D.O.

Patrick Nemechek, D.O.

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