heart attack risk

Public Smoking Bans Quickly Decrease Heart Attack Rates

A major report by the Institute of Medicine confirms that bans on smoking in public places reduce the risk of heart attacks among nonsmokers. The report’s concluded that while heavier exposure to secondhand smoke is worse, there’s no safe level.Ā  It also cited evidence that even less than an hour’s exposure might be enough to […]

Public Smoking Bans Quickly Decrease Heart Attack Rates Read More Ā»

Learn How to Interpret Your Cholesterol and Triglyceride Lab results

Triglycerides Healthy Range = Less than 150. Triglycerides are fats composed of fatty acids and glycerol. Triglycerides combine with proteins to form particles called lipoproteins that transport fats through the bloodstream. These lipoproteins carry triglycerides from the liver to other parts of the body that need this energy source. Triglycerides then return to the liver

Learn How to Interpret Your Cholesterol and Triglyceride Lab results Read More Ā»

Cholesterol and Heart Attack Risk

What are we dealing with here? For years traditional medicine has been dealing with these common medical complications as separate entities and for good reason. Treating each condition seemed to reduce the patient’s risk of more complications in the future. With our limited understanding, we knew treating elevated blood pressure resulted in fewer strokes and

Cholesterol and Heart Attack Risk

Do You Have Autonomic Dysfunction?