Cholesterol and Heart Attack Risk

What are we dealing with here?
For years traditional medicine has been dealing with these common medical complications as separate entities and for good reason. Treating each condition seemed to reduce the patient’s risk of more complications in the future.

With our limited understanding, we knew treating elevated blood pressure resulted in fewer strokes and heart attacks and lowering a person’s blood sugar to “normal” levels also resulted in less heart disease, blindness, kidney failure and amputation. Additionally, lowering a persons LDL cholesterol (the ‘bad cholesterol’) is thought to reduce the risk of future or recurrent heart attacks and strokes.

Obviously, preventing future medical complications is a laudable goal but is the use of more and more prescription medications always necessary?

We are now at a moment when a unifying theory of sorts is beginning to unfold that helps us understand the commonality of all 3 of theses medical conditions, not to mention a few others. Accumulating research is beginning to suggest that these 3 common disorders come from a common underlying metabolic abnormality known as Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome.

Did you know that these controllable risk factors listed below affect your risk of heart disease, stroke and metabolic syndrome?

* smoking
* high blood pressure
* high blood cholesterol
* diabetes
* being overweight or obese
* physical inactivity

Itā€™s essential that you measure your risk of heart disease and make a plan for how to prevent it in the near future.

Use this tool to help you assess your risk of having a heart attack or dying from coronary heart disease in the next 10 years. It will also check to see if you may have metabolic syndrome, a group of risk factors that greatly increase your chances of developing cardiovascular disease, including stroke and diabetes.

This Risk Assessment can be use by people age 20 or older who do not already have heart disease or diabetes.

Click here to go to the Framingham Cardiac Risk Calculator and calculate your risk of developing a heart attack within the next 10 years.

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Picture of Patrick Nemechek, D.O.

Patrick Nemechek, D.O.

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