Insomnia and Stress-Filled Dreams; Reversible Patterns

InsomniaWhat if you could stop lifelong insomnia and stress-filled dreams by changing your gut bacteria and balancing your nervous system?

In my work to reverse cellular damage, Iā€™ve found surprising new trigger mechanisms that disturb our sleep.Ā  It is literally the stuff dreams are made of.

Insomniacs and people who suffer sleep disturbances share common patterns. Ā Their nights are often full of crippling anxiety, stressful nightmares, and countless hours trying to either fall asleep or stay asleep. Ā Some linger in a horrible middle ground for hours, somewhere between being awake and being asleep, with a whirling mind inside an exhausted body.

Many report 3 AM ā€“ 5 AM ā€œworry listsā€, an inability to ā€œshut off their mindsā€, or they going from one stress-filled dream into another. Ā Their sleep is rarely restorative.Ā  Theyā€™ve tried everything from prescription sleep aids, drinking alcohol to pass out, biofeedback, and night shift jobs to accommodate these problems. Ā But nothing seems to work and they are chronically exhausted.

Iā€™ve found success in tackling a trio of issues in bad sleepers:Ā  repairing damage to the autonomic nervous system, rebalancing intestinal bacteria overgrowth, and rebalancing omega 3/6/9 fatty acids in their diet.Ā  After adjusting these three things, chronic insomniacs have been able to sleep peacefully until morning, fall asleep and stay asleep, and they even report having more peaceful dreams.

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First, many bad sleepers have (reversible) damage to their nervous system that alters the delivery of oxygen to their brain.Ā  The damage could be caused by an intestinal bacterial overgrowth, a concussion, childhood injuries, or other physical or emotional trauma (death of a loved one, financial strain). Ā In order to normalize oxygen levels the brain can boost cerebral blood flow in three temporary ways:Ā  increased hunger for salt and sugar, increased muscle contractions that makes you fidget, or increased thirst so you drink more water or soda.

If the brain still doesnā€™t get enough oxygen, it will release a fight-or-flight hormone called noradrenaline. Ā Noradrenaline not only boosts oxygen delivery to the brain, it is also responsible for triggering emotions such as fear, anxiousness, caution, hostility and aggression. Ā These are the same emotions that many troubled sleepers are overwhelmed with during their dreams, without understanding why.

I know how to test and pinpoint the damage to the nervous system, and I have developed a treatment regimen that repairs the damage and restores normal brain oxygen levels.

Second, many bad sleepers often have an overgrowth of intestinal bacteria called ā€œSIBOā€. Ā The symptoms of this imbalance are often heartburn, constipation/diarrhea, food intolerances, anxiety, attention problems, or skin problems like rashes/eczema. Ā SIBO may be temporarily altered with dietary changes (low carb or gluten-free), pre- or probiotics, or the avoidance of certain offending foods. Ā If the overgrowth is bad enough, a short- term course of medication may be necessary to achieve a healthier blend.

Third, most bad sleepers have an imbalance of the fatty acid content in their diets. Ā They need more omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil), they need to greatly reduce their omega-6 fatty acids (soybean oil, vegetable oils, margarine and shortening), and they need significant amounts of omega-9 fatty acids (olive oil) in their diets.

When the omega acids are balanced, the nervous system is able to repair itself and begins functioning normally and providing normal levels of oxygen. This reduces the brainā€™s craving for salt and sugar, and stops the fidgeting and constant thirst.Ā  It also eliminates the abnormal levels of noradrenaline that fuels the tension-filled dreams.

Your insomnia and stressful dreams are symptoms of mechanical and bacterial issues, punctuated by nutritional choices. Ā The key to good sleep, just like the key to good health, is always to get to the bottom of the problem and fix it.

Treating these three trigger mechanisms is a promising new way to restore your sleep and renew your health.Ā  Call 623-208-4226 to make your appointment today.

Ā©Ā  2014Ā Ā  Dr. Patrick NemechekĀ  All Rights Reserved.


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Picture of Patrick Nemechek, D.O.

Patrick Nemechek, D.O.

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May 6, 2018 9:29 pm

Dear Doctor Nemechek,
My father has a crĆ³nic insomnia due to 30 year night shift at the hospital, he has tried many things but he hasnā€™t had much success, for the last year his inability to sleep is making his life very diffult.
I am doing the protocol with my kids and I suggested to my father to give it a go, my question is, would it be better for him to start straight with the rifaximin or should he try inulin first ?
( we have access to the prescription and the drug)


February 26, 2018 6:16 pm

Insomnia My son is 18 yrs old with autism and is on the NP for 3.5 months . We have seen some nice results from the anxiety overall improvement . What I have noted over the last month persistent insomnia. He is on all recommended brands of products and max doses of oils had a few rounds of antibiotic recommended . I am wondering if I should reduce the fish oil to see if this is causing the insomnia . I usually split the dose morning and evening .i plan to just give mornings to see if that helps .… Read more »

December 7, 2017 10:47 am

As well as other ANS dysfunctional symptoms, I have chronic severe insomnia. 2 weeks ago I started your protocol (thank-you!!) and have seen some improvement already regarding GERD , POTS and constipation …but not with the insomnia and brain fog/blood pooling in legs. Do the sleep issues typically take longer to achieve relief when implementing the nutritional tips ( fish oil, olive oil and inulin brands found on your website and eating low carbs, gluten free …plus will soon start curchimin too.) . I adhere to healthy sleep hygiene habits yet sleep rarely comes and/or I have trouble falling back… Read more »

September 5, 2016 5:57 am

Awesome ! Reading your site opens my eyes!! I believe I. The unbalance of everyday living. If someone out there is my soul mate ! Well hello !

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