protein intake

Modern Day Life and Carbohydrates – Part I

So where does this unprecedented increase of dietary carbohydrates leave us in the modern era?Ā Ā  Modern humans presently consume more carbohydrates in a single day than Stone Age humans consumed in a year, and 20-30% more than we did just a few decades ago. Part of the reason for the significant increase is that carbohydrate-based

Modern Day Life and Carbohydrates – Part I Read More Ā»

Body Sculpting With Low Carb/High Protein Diets

One of the more intriguing health benefits I’ve observed in my patients from decreasing carbohydrate intake (to 25-30% of daily calorie intake) and increasing protein (20-30 grams per meal 3 times per day) is the significant and fairly rapid body sculpting effect that occurs. Patients will often comment how quickly they seem to shrink in

Body Sculpting With Low Carb/High Protein Diets

Do You Have Autonomic Dysfunction?