Heart Disease

Heart Disease is the number one killer in the US and the number one cause of disability. You can reduce your chances of heart disease by taking steps to control the factors that contribute to heart disease.

Saturated (Animal) Fat Does Not Cause Heart Disease

Ever since 1953 when a physiologist named Ancel Keys, Ph.D. compared fat intake and deaths from heart disease in seven countries including the U.S., the American medical establishment has clung to an unproven belief that saturated fat was evil. But in 1957, Jacob Yerushalmy, Ph.D. established this research was false and that Keys was guilty of only […]

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How Much Fish Oil Should I Take And Why?

Many patients I see  in my practice are taking fish oil supplements and don’t really understand why they are beneficial  but just that everyone seems to recommend taking them. Fish and certain plant and nut oils are common natural sources of omega-3 fatty acids.  Fatty acids are special molecules that have a wide array of

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Does Insulin Resistance Have Any Symptoms and What Is Metabolic Syndrome?

What are the Symptoms of Insulin Resistance? People may have Insulin Resistance for several years without noticing anything.  But in many individuals, Insulin Resistance causes a wide variety of common symptoms we often attribute to other medical circumstances. These symptoms often occur because of an imbalance of your autonomic nervous system. Common symptoms from autonomic

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If I Have Insulin Resistance or Metabolic Syndrome, How Can I Make It Go Away?

What Causes Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome? The last 20 years has seen an epidemic rise in Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes Mellitus in the United States.  Extensive research has helped us to understand that the combination of high carbohydrate diets, lack of exercise and increased portion sizes has lead to this problem. Prehistoric humans

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Public Smoking Bans Quickly Decrease Heart Attack Rates

A major report by the Institute of Medicine confirms that bans on smoking in public places reduce the risk of heart attacks among nonsmokers. The report’s concluded that while heavier exposure to secondhand smoke is worse, there’s no safe level.  It also cited evidence that even less than an hour’s exposure might be enough to

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Weight Loss Surgery Reduces Diabetes-related Death Rate

Weight loss (bariatric) surgery has been shown to reduce diabetes-related mortality by 88%. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that weight loss surgery surgery reduced the overall death rate by 34%, disease-related deaths and cardiovascular deaths by 48%, cancer-related deaths by 59%, and diabetes-related deaths by 88% in patients with

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Cholesterol and Heart Attack Risk

What are we dealing with here? For years traditional medicine has been dealing with these common medical complications as separate entities and for good reason. Treating each condition seemed to reduce the patient’s risk of more complications in the future. With our limited understanding, we knew treating elevated blood pressure resulted in fewer strokes and

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Do You Have Autonomic Dysfunction?