
Itā€™s Time to Worry If Your Child Has Heartburn

Are You Poisoning Your Children? Believe it or not, if your child hasĀ heartburn it’s becauseĀ they are slowly beingĀ poisoned byĀ the excessive amounts of carbohydrates in their diet. Their excessive carbohydrate intake is toxic toĀ their nervous system and is directly responsible for increasing incidence of heartburn, fatigue, headaches, abdominal pain and frequent urination. Heartburn, the Most Obvious […]

Itā€™s Time to Worry If Your Child Has Heartburn Read More Ā»

Monitoring Triglycerides is Important in HIV Disease

The Importance of Elevated Triglycerides Insulin resistance is the cause of type II diabetes, heart disease, chronic kidney disease and most cases of high blood pressure.Ā  These conditions are dangerous and occur much more frequently in patients with HIV Disease than in the general population.Ā  The main reason for this is insulin resistance. Triglyceride elevation

Monitoring Triglycerides is Important in HIV Disease

Treat Hypertension With Low Carb Diet

A reduction in carbohydrate consumption has been shown to be more effective in lowering blood pressure than eating a low fat diet. The study compared low carbohydrate diet with a low fat diet that was combined with a weight loss drug. The low carbohydrate diet groupĀ was much more effective than the low fat diet plus

Treat Hypertension With Low Carb Diet

What to Do About a Family History of Diabetes, High Blood Pressure or Heart Attacks

What Does A Family History of Diabetes, High Blood Pressure or Heart Attacks Really Mean? Iā€™ve spoken with many patients who worry about their health and that of their children because there seems to be a strong family history of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure or even heart attacks.Ā Ā  Their concerns are obvious but

What to Do About a Family History of Diabetes, High Blood Pressure or Heart Attacks Read More Ā»

Does Your Abdomen Stick Out Too Far?

IfĀ it does, donā€™t think youā€™re alone.Ā  Many Americans are dealing with the same thing.Ā  Patients complain about it to me all the time.Ā  What youĀ may beĀ experiencing is an accumulation of fat within the abdominal cavity (called intra abdominal fat).Ā Ā And your body may be abnormally storing fat there because the carbohydrates (sugar and starches) in your

Does Your Abdomen Stick Out Too Far?

Low Carbohydrate Treats For Halloween

PoisoningĀ Our Children’sĀ Future The diabetes epidemic is growing so rapidly that presently 1 of every 10 adults in the U.S. has diabetes.Ā  That number is anticipated to grow to 1 of every 3 adults by 2050.Ā  That means that 1/3 of all those beautiful little kids in your childā€™s classroom, 1/3 of their soccer teammates and

Low Carbohydrate Treats For Halloween

How Much Fish Oil Should I Take And Why?

Many patients I seeĀ  in my practice are taking fish oil supplements and don’t really understand why they are beneficialĀ  but just that everyone seems to recommend taking them. Fish and certain plant and nut oils are common natural sources of omega-3 fatty acids.Ā  Fatty acids are special molecules that have a wide array of

How Much Fish Oil Should I Take And Why? Read More Ā»

Does Insulin Resistance Have Any Symptoms and What Is Metabolic Syndrome?

What are the Symptoms of Insulin Resistance? People may have Insulin Resistance for several years without noticing anything.Ā  But in many individuals, Insulin Resistance causes a wide variety of common symptoms we often attribute to other medical circumstances. These symptoms often occur because of an imbalance of your autonomic nervous system. Common symptoms from autonomic

Does Insulin Resistance Have Any Symptoms and What Is Metabolic Syndrome? Read More Ā»

If I Have Insulin Resistance or Metabolic Syndrome, How Can I Make It Go Away?

What Causes Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome? The last 20 years has seen an epidemic rise in Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes Mellitus in the United States.Ā  Extensive research has helped us to understand that the combination of high carbohydrate diets, lack of exercise and increased portion sizes has lead to this problem. Prehistoric humans

If I Have Insulin Resistance or Metabolic Syndrome, How Can I Make It Go Away? Read More Ā»

Do You Have Autonomic Dysfunction?