
Daytime Sleepiness Is Associated With an Increased Craving for Carbs Among Teens

Results show that the intensity of self-reported craving for carbohydrates increased in a linear relationship with the severity of subjective daytime sleepiness. The odds of having a strong craving for carbs were 50 percent higher among high school seniors with excessive daytime sleepiness. The rate of depression also was higher among students who had a […]

Daytime Sleepiness Is Associated With an Increased Craving for Carbs Among Teens Read More Ā»

Don’t Feed Your Kids McDonald’s Strawberry Lemonade

With summer coming on, a cold frosty lemonade from McDonald’s may sound refreshing and evoke some pleasant childhood memories but let me warn you, this is not your Mom’s lemonade. McDonald’s Strawberry LemonadeĀ is just another common example of how the food industry is poisoning our kids with sugar.Ā  Just check out the carbĀ numbers. 24 grams

Don’t Feed Your Kids McDonald’s Strawberry Lemonade

Children Are Developing Adult Onset Diabetes

Children Are Developing Adult Onset Diabetes When diabetes strikes during childhood, itĀ historically has beenĀ type 1 diabetesĀ (also known asĀ juvenile-onset diabetes). However, the number of cases of children and adolescentsĀ with type 2 diabetesĀ (formerly known as adult-onset diabetes) has beenĀ increasing in frequency over the last 20 years. Children and adolescents diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are generally between

Children Are Developing Adult Onset Diabetes

Itā€™s Time to Worry If Your Child Has Heartburn

Are You Poisoning Your Children? Believe it or not, if your child hasĀ heartburn it’s becauseĀ they are slowly beingĀ poisoned byĀ the excessive amounts of carbohydrates in their diet. Their excessive carbohydrate intake is toxic toĀ their nervous system and is directly responsible for increasing incidence of heartburn, fatigue, headaches, abdominal pain and frequent urination. Heartburn, the Most Obvious

Itā€™s Time to Worry If Your Child Has Heartburn Read More Ā»

Low Carbohydrate Treats For Halloween

PoisoningĀ Our Children’sĀ Future The diabetes epidemic is growing so rapidly that presently 1 of every 10 adults in the U.S. has diabetes.Ā  That number is anticipated to grow to 1 of every 3 adults by 2050.Ā  That means that 1/3 of all those beautiful little kids in your childā€™s classroom, 1/3 of their soccer teammates and

Low Carbohydrate Treats For Halloween

High Cholesterol Is A Problem for Kids Too!

A federal health report says 20%Ā of U.S. children and teens have abnormal lipid levels, an indication of too much bad cholesterol, too little good cholesterol or high triglycerides.Ā  These abnormal levels can raise the risk for heart disease which is the leading cause of death in the United States. Reseachers have found that children and

High Cholesterol Is A Problem for Kids Too! Read More Ā»

Do You Have Autonomic Dysfunction?