
Why Do I Crave Carbs When I Have a Headache?

The craving for carbohydrates when suffering a headache stems from the fact that many people commonly experience headaches from low blood flow to the brain and scalp muscles. The low blood flow is due to an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system that is commonly associated with insulin resistance, obesity, diabtes and high blood pressure.  The carbohydrate cravings […]

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Daytime Sleepiness Is Associated With an Increased Craving for Carbs Among Teens

Results show that the intensity of self-reported craving for carbohydrates increased in a linear relationship with the severity of subjective daytime sleepiness. The odds of having a strong craving for carbs were 50 percent higher among high school seniors with excessive daytime sleepiness. The rate of depression also was higher among students who had a

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“Pickles and Ice Cream” or Why You Crave Sweets

Salty or Sweet:  Your Brain’s Need for Increased Blood Flow Most people crave either salty or sweet food.  They sense these foods make them feel better and because of that they like to eat them.  But many people have never been taught what these food cravings actually mean to their brains.  The reason for your

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Carbs, Sport Drinks and Exercise

Many people drink sports drinks before or after exercising.  These often contain a lot of carbohydrates (Gatorade = 30 grams, Powerade = 25 grams) which are being shown is scientific studies to work against your exercise efforts.  Here is an interesting paper that reviews the benefits of ketogenic diet.  Its an interesting read with some great historical perspective.   Here is the low down.

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Niacin Supplement Doesn’t Prevent Heart Disease

A recent NIH study assessing the effectiveness of Niaspan (a niacin supplement used to decrease triglycerides and raise HDL cholesterol) was terminated early because of concerns it may actually be harming patients.  This also puts into question whether Tricor, another triglyceride lowering agent actuallys prevents heart disease. I follow a simple rule with patients when

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Don’t Feed Your Kids McDonald’s Strawberry Lemonade

With summer coming on, a cold frosty lemonade from McDonald’s may sound refreshing and evoke some pleasant childhood memories but let me warn you, this is not your Mom’s lemonade. McDonald’s Strawberry Lemonade is just another common example of how the food industry is poisoning our kids with sugar.  Just check out the carb numbers. 24 grams

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Soda is as Dangerous as Cigarettes

Soda is Dangerous In a recently published study  in the November 2010 issue of Diabetes Care, Dr Vasanti S Malik (Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA)  reported that consumption of just one or two sugar-sweetened beverages per day is associated with a 26% greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes and a 20% increased risk

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Low Carbohydrate Treats For Halloween

Poisoning Our Children’s Future The diabetes epidemic is growing so rapidly that presently 1 of every 10 adults in the U.S. has diabetes.  That number is anticipated to grow to 1 of every 3 adults by 2050.  That means that 1/3 of all those beautiful little kids in your child’s classroom, 1/3 of their soccer teammates and

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No Health Benefits From Eating 5 Times A Day

 The Myth Almost everyday a patient tells me they believe eating 5 times a day is important. They remember hearing that eating multiple times a day helps keep their blood sugar up. To make matters worse, patients believe they are suppose to specifically eat carbohydrates throughout the day. I understand why they believe this. I hear and

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Carbohydrates Can Cause Bladder Infections

Introduction I see many men and women who complain of recurrent urinary tract infections.  They may also complain of frequent urination in the daytime or at night, have sudden urges to urinate or may even leak a little urine when they sneeze or cough (stress incontinence). Many have report they have had normal bladder evaluations

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Excess Carbohydrates Equals Lightheadedness and Fatigue

Introduction Many people are familiar with the occasionally sensation of feeling light-headed when getting up out of bed or after bending over to pick up an item or tie their shoes. This lightheadedness can sometimes be accompanied by visual changes such as seeing black spots, burred vision or transient vertigo. On occasion, the lightheadedness can

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Do You Have Autonomic Dysfunction?