
weight loss

Tums, The Weight Loss Wonder Pill

Are you stuck in the seemingly endless cycle of weight loss? Weight loss can feel tricky, especially if you always feel hungry. But here’s something to consider: in the course of one year, for every 100-calorie difference in your diet, your weight will go up or down approximately 10 pounds. If you think about it, […]

Tums, The Weight Loss Wonder Pill

How Processed Carbohydrates Fuel Your Hunger Part 2

Good Carbs and Bad Carbs It is important to understand there are some very healthy forms of carbohydrates that you can eat without excessively stimulating your hunger (in future posts look at the lists of low carbohydrate fruits in vegetables that can be incorporated as part of your diet). A mistake that patients of mine

How Processed Carbohydrates Fuel Your Hunger Part 2 Read More Ā»

How Processed Carbohydrates Fuel Your Hunger Part 1

The Basic Science of Carbohydrates What are carbohydrates, and how do they increase our hunger and cause us to become overweight? Ā  Carbohydrate is the term for a wide range of molecules that are often categorized as starch, sugar or fiber.Ā  They are usually derived from plant leaves, roots, seeds or fruit.Ā  A few exceptions

How Processed Carbohydrates Fuel Your Hunger Part 1 Read More Ā»

When Deciding What to Eat, Be Sure To Make It ā€˜Carb Worthyā€™

I recently had the pleasure to travel to the beautiful city of Chicago to visit friends, dine at a few nice restaurants and escape the generally maddening pace of running my medical practice. During our visit we decided to go to Ginoā€™s East to enjoy some of their famous deep dish pizza.Ā  Now, many of

When Deciding What to Eat, Be Sure To Make It ā€˜Carb Worthyā€™ Read More Ā»

Myth: You Need to Eat Carbohydrates To Fuel Your Body

Do you need to eat carbohydrates to fuel your body?Ā  No. Carbohydrates (sugars and starches) are digested in the intestinal tract and transformed into a molecule known as glucose; this is the substance commonly referred to as blood sugar. Glucose is utilized as a energy source primarily for the brain and a small amount for

Myth: You Need to Eat Carbohydrates To Fuel Your Body Read More Ā»

Myth or Fact: Drinking Water Helps You To Lose Weight

There are many myths surrounding weight loss.Ā  It’s difficult to tell if the bits of advice about weight loss are true or false.Ā Ā  One commonly encountered bit of adviceĀ  is that drinking a glass of water before a meal will help you lose weight.Ā  Is this true?Ā  Yes, if you drink a lot of water.

Myth or Fact: Drinking Water Helps You To Lose Weight Read More Ā»

How To Prevent Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Attacks and Strokes

In a recent study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, researchers identified 4 factors tied to reduced disease risk: never smoking, having a body mass index (BMI) lower than 30, performing at least 3.5 hours per week of physical activity, and following a healthy diet. Participants with all 4 factors had a 78% lower

How To Prevent Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Attacks and Strokes Read More Ā»

Saturated (Animal) Fat Does Not Cause Heart Disease

Ever since 1953 when a physiologist named Ancel Keys, Ph.D. compared fat intake and deaths from heart disease inĀ seven countries including the U.S., the American medical establishment has clung to an unproven belief that saturated fat was evil. ButĀ in 1957, Jacob Yerushalmy, Ph.D. established this research was false and that Keys was guilty of only

Saturated (Animal) Fat Does Not Cause Heart Disease Read More Ā»

America, The Snacking Nation

AĀ recently published study from the University of North Carolina looking at trends in snacking behavior probably won’t surprise you: Almost all adults (97%)Ā now report snacking at least once a day (up from 71% in the 70s) Adults are snacking more frequently per day.Ā  Our snacks contain higher amounts of salt and carbohydrates (dessert foods, salty

America, The Snacking Nation

Beans Are Good for You

In terms of carbohydrates, an overall reduction of processed, simple carbohydrates in the diet is the best approach for weight loss while maintaining satiety.Ā  Specifically, the carbohydrate reduction in the diet should focus on consuming more protein and less bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, and corn.Ā  Along with that list, a natural reduction of sugars and

Beans Are Good for You

How Much Fish Oil Should I Take And Why?

Many patients I seeĀ  in my practice are taking fish oil supplements and don’t really understand why they are beneficialĀ  but just that everyone seems to recommend taking them. Fish and certain plant and nut oils are common natural sources of omega-3 fatty acids.Ā  Fatty acids are special molecules that have a wide array of

How Much Fish Oil Should I Take And Why? Read More Ā»

If I Have Insulin Resistance or Metabolic Syndrome, How Can I Make It Go Away?

What Causes Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome? The last 20 years has seen an epidemic rise in Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes Mellitus in the United States.Ā  Extensive research has helped us to understand that the combination of high carbohydrate diets, lack of exercise and increased portion sizes has lead to this problem. Prehistoric humans

If I Have Insulin Resistance or Metabolic Syndrome, How Can I Make It Go Away? Read More Ā»

Modern Day Life and Carbohydrates – Part I

So where does this unprecedented increase of dietary carbohydrates leave us in the modern era?Ā Ā  Modern humans presently consume more carbohydrates in a single day than Stone Age humans consumed in a year, and 20-30% more than we did just a few decades ago. Part of the reason for the significant increase is that carbohydrate-based

Modern Day Life and Carbohydrates – Part I Read More Ā»

Why Eating Slowly Helps Decrease Your Weight

Try eating more slowly if you’re looking to shed some pounds. Ā  When you eat too fast you can outpace your body’s normal hunger mechanisms that tell you when you are full. The more slowly an individual eats, the more the body is able to release hormones that suppress our hunger.Ā  So, eating a moderate

Why Eating Slowly Helps Decrease Your Weight

Don't Be In The Dark When Eating At The Movie Theater

Just when you thought it was safe to escape the cold and cuddle up with your favorite snacks at the local movie theater, the people at the Center for Science in the Public Interest are popping the lid on movie theater popcorn’s calorie, fat, and salt content. A large popcorn packs the biggest punch, containing

Don't Be In The Dark When Eating At The Movie Theater Read More Ā»

Low-Carb Gravy for Turkey Day

The holidays can be difficult for those that are taking the low carb approach.Ā  Socially involved holidays can be an exception to enjoy your favorite foods.Ā  The ham or turkey, green beans, and the acorn squashĀ are the best options for a low calorie and low carb approach, but you can still enjoyĀ your mashed potatoes andĀ gravyĀ on

Low-Carb Gravy for Turkey Day

Root Vegetables: How Do They Rate?

All vegetables are carbohydrates, but youā€™d be amazed to hear how much lower they are in carbohydrates than grain products.Ā  Root vegetables are excellent sources of vitamins, but some rank better than others in terms of calories, fiber and carbohydrate content. Turnip: 1 cupĀ Ā  46 caloriesĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā 8g carbĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā 2g fiberĀ Ā  5g sugarĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā 1g protein *high in vitamin C,

Root Vegetables: How Do They Rate?

How Stress Affects The Body

A 2004 study that followed mothers of chronically ill children showed that the stress of caregiving actually caused these women to age faster on a cellular level than did the mothers of healthy children who constituted the control group. When cells divide, the protective caps on the ends of the chromosomes, called telomeres, shorten slightly

How Stress Affects The Body

Do You Have Autonomic Dysfunction?