Weight Loss

weight loss

Tums, The Weight Loss Wonder Pill

Are you stuck in the seemingly endless cycle of weight loss? Weight loss can feel tricky, especially if you always feel hungry. But here’s something to consider: in the course of one year, for every 100-calorie difference in your diet, your weight will go up or down approximately 10 pounds. If you think about it, […]

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Weight Loss in Men Reverses Testosterone Deficiency

Low testosterone levels and symptoms of male sexual dysfunction due to obesity may be reversible with weight loss after bariatric surgery, a new study finds.   The results were presented at The Endocrine Society’s 93rd Annual Meeting in Boston. “Morbidly obese men have a high prevalence of hypotestosteronenemia, or low testosterone, and of sexual dysfunction,” said

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Treat Hypertension With Low Carb Diet

A reduction in carbohydrate consumption has been shown to be more effective in lowering blood pressure than eating a low fat diet. The study compared low carbohydrate diet with a low fat diet that was combined with a weight loss drug. The low carbohydrate diet group was much more effective than the low fat diet plus

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What to Do About a Family History of Diabetes, High Blood Pressure or Heart Attacks

What Does A Family History of Diabetes, High Blood Pressure or Heart Attacks Really Mean? I’ve spoken with many patients who worry about their health and that of their children because there seems to be a strong family history of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure or even heart attacks.   Their concerns are obvious but

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Low Carbohydrate Treats For Halloween

Poisoning Our Children’s Future The diabetes epidemic is growing so rapidly that presently 1 of every 10 adults in the U.S. has diabetes.  That number is anticipated to grow to 1 of every 3 adults by 2050.  That means that 1/3 of all those beautiful little kids in your child’s classroom, 1/3 of their soccer teammates and

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No Health Benefits From Eating 5 Times A Day

 The Myth Almost everyday a patient tells me they believe eating 5 times a day is important. They remember hearing that eating multiple times a day helps keep their blood sugar up. To make matters worse, patients believe they are suppose to specifically eat carbohydrates throughout the day. I understand why they believe this. I hear and

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Carbohydrate Reduction and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common hormone disorder among women of reproductive age.  PCOS affects approximately 5-14% of women (depending on the definition used).  here is no significant difference between white and black women with regard to incidence of PCOS when controlling for BMI and age. PCOS is often associated

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Carbohydrates and Urination Problems

Introduction Many patients commonly experience symptoms of urinary frequency, urgency or incontinence.  They may wake 2-4 times at night to urinate, have a sensation of needing to urinate but produce only a small amount of urine, have frequent or even the surprisingly urgent need to urinate during the daytime. Does this sound familiar?  Many of

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A No-Cook Type of Protein? Cottage Cheese

Dairy is commonly forgotten for its protein content.  All dairy has some form of protein, and some are higher than others.  Cottage cheese is the dairy option with the highest amount of protein. A half cup serving contains between 100-120 calories, between 10-15 g of protein and a low amount of carbohydrates (3-6 grams). The

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Beans Are Good for You

In terms of carbohydrates, an overall reduction of processed, simple carbohydrates in the diet is the best approach for weight loss while maintaining satiety.  Specifically, the carbohydrate reduction in the diet should focus on consuming more protein and less bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, and corn.  Along with that list, a natural reduction of sugars and

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Caution: Counterfeit Alli Products Detected

FDA notified consumers and healthcare professionals about a counterfeit and potentially harmful version of Alli 60 mg capsules (120 count refill kit). The counterfeit version contained the controlled substance sibutramine and did not contain orlistat, the active ingredient. Sibutramine is a drug that should not be used in certain patient populations or without physician oversight. 

Caution: Counterfeit Alli Products Detected Read More »

Your Pants Will Feel Looser Before Your Scale Says You’re Lighter

One of the most intriguing aspects about reducing your carbohydrate intake is the surprising sculpting effect it has on your body.  This seems to be most notable in women because they genetically carry a greater proportion of fat in the hips and thighs are much more apt to notice a change in how their skirt

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Pavlov and Artificial Sweeteners

One of the most well established concepts in psychology is that animals (including humans) learn about relationships among the events they experience.  These repeated experiences can change how we react to the events we’ve experienced.  This is the basis of Pavlovian psychology.  Research on the use of artificial sweeteners suggests just such a mechanism may

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Do You Think 'The Biggest Loser' Is Exploitative?

I do! I’ve watched the show the ‘The Biggest Loser’ a few times and come away each time with the same thought, “This is the most dangerous, manipulative show I’ve ever seen on television.” Medically speaking, to encourage individuals to lose weight at these tremendous rates is very unhealthy and extremely dangerous.  Weight loss experts

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Why Eating Slowly Helps Decrease Your Weight

Try eating more slowly if you’re looking to shed some pounds.   When you eat too fast you can outpace your body’s normal hunger mechanisms that tell you when you are full. The more slowly an individual eats, the more the body is able to release hormones that suppress our hunger.  So, eating a moderate

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Body Sculpting With Low Carb/High Protein Diets

One of the more intriguing health benefits I’ve observed in my patients from decreasing carbohydrate intake (to 25-30% of daily calorie intake) and increasing protein (20-30 grams per meal 3 times per day) is the significant and fairly rapid body sculpting effect that occurs. Patients will often comment how quickly they seem to shrink in

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You Really Don’t Need A Snack To Reduce Your Afternoon Hunger

About 80% of my weight loss patients have a similar complaint, they feel a sense of hunger in the afternoon described as a “grumbling” of their stomach, a sense of weakness or even a shaky sensation as if they have low blood sugar.  And I tell them all the same thing, “Your sense of hunger

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Calories in Thanksgiving Meal

The holidays are meant for family and friends to be together.  For people trying to lose weight, a worry of the holidays is the Thanksgiving meal.  I’ve outlined the calories of a traditional Thanksgiving meal.  Keep in mind, this breakdown does not include going up for second servings. Thanksgiving Meal: Food                                  Amt     Cal     Fat    Carb   Sugar    Protein Turkey breast                             6

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True or False? Exercise Turns Fat Into Muscle.

False. Fat and muscles are both composed of different types of cells in our bodies. Exercise drives  muscle cells to grow larger.  The energy used during exercise will make the fat cells shrink. And substantially increasing the size of your muscle cells helps to increase the amount of energy your muscle will burn off  throughout

True or False? Exercise Turns Fat Into Muscle. Read More »

How Fast Can I Expect To Lose Weight?

Patients that I assist with weight loss are frequently disappointed that they may averaging only 1-2 pounds of decreased weight per week.  They have a false sense of appropriate weight loss rates.  I figure this is from the relentless false and misleading advertisements of most weight loss programs they’ve seen or read about. When a

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Don't Worry About Your Body Mass Index

BMI (Body Mass Index) is the international standard for gauging a person’s health. This number is simply calculated by taking your weight in kilograms divided by your height in meters.  Google any ‘BMI calculator’ to find your Body Mass Index number today. However, do not assume your overall health is in jeopardy just because you

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Do You Have Autonomic Dysfunction?